Render props can make it easy for us to work with HOCs. Rather than passing the Component
as the direct return of our HOC factory, we can return a different component that accepts the rendering of Component
as a render prop. In the example below, withToggle
always renders a ConnectedToggle
HOC, which accepts a render prop responsible for rendering the component we pass in to withToggle
function withToggle(Component) {
function Wrapper(props, context) {
const { innerRef, ...remainingProps } = props;
{/* pass ConnectedToggle a render prop */}
return <ConnectedToggle render={toggle => (
<Component {...remainingProps} toggle={toggle} />
)} />
Wrapper.displayName = `withToggle(${Component.displayName ||})`;
Wrapper.propTypes = { innerRef: PropTypes.func };
Wrapper.WrappedComponent = Component;
hoistNonReactStatics(Wrapper, Component)
/* ConnectedToggle accepts a render prop, which gets invoked with
the value of toggle provided by context */
function ConnectedToggle(props, context) {
return props.render(
ConnectedToggle.contextTypes = {
[ToggleProvider.contextName]: PropTypes.object.isRequired
/* wrap Subtitle in the withToggle HOC. this will render Subtitle
along with a Toggle component */
const Subtitle = withToggle({ toggle }) => (
toggle.on ? 'on some emojis' : 'off no emojis'