- Atlassian Git Tutorial
- GitHub Guides: Git Handbook
- GitHub Cheathseets: Git Cheat Sheets
- Coursera: Introduction to Git and Github
- This is how I git | daniel.haxx.se
- git-flow: A successful git branching model
- PEP 8: Style Guide for Python Code
- pycodestyle: Python style guide checker
- autopep8: automatically formats Python code to conform to PEP 8
- black: the uncompromising Python code formatter
- isort: a Python utility/library to sort imports
- Pylint: code analysis for Python
- Flake8: your tool for style guide enforcement
- pyflakes: check Python source files for errors
- mypy: optional static typing for python
- Sphinx: Python documentation generator
- sphinx autodoc: include documnentation from docstrings
- Doxygen: generate documentation from source code
- napoleon: marching towards legible docstrings