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1 - Counting Letters


Consider a sequence, where each element is a randomly selected letter or null/blank. The task is to count how many times each letter appears in the sequence.

For example:

['A'], ['B'], [' '], ['B'], ['C']
[[1], [2], [1]]

The output is also a sequence, where each element corresponds to the count of a letter. In the above case, 'A', 'B' and 'C' appear 1, 2 and 1 times respectively.

We implement the Scaled Dot-Product Attention (described in Section 3.2.1 of Vaswani et al. (2017)) for this task and train without the use of recurrent or convolutional networks.

Here is a sample output from the script.

  [' ']

[[5 3 1]]

Encoder-Decoder Attention: 
Output step 0 attended mainly to Input steps: [0 1 2 6 9]
[0.154, 0.154, 0.154, 0.042, 0.04, 0.065, 0.154, 0.042, 0.042, 0.154]
Output step 1 attended mainly to Input steps: [3 7 8]
[0.053, 0.053, 0.053, 0.2, 0.05, 0.083, 0.053, 0.2, 0.2, 0.053]
Output step 2 attended mainly to Input steps: [4]
[0.072, 0.072, 0.072, 0.078, 0.286, 0.12, 0.072, 0.078, 0.078, 0.072]

For each output step, we see the learned attention being intuitively weighted on the relevant letters. In the above example, Output Step 0 counts the number of 'A's and attended mainly to Input Steps 0, 1, 2, 6 and 9, which were the 'A's in the sequence.

With the --plot flag we can also visualize the attention heatmap, which clearly shows the attention focused on the relevant characters for each output.

attention heatmap

Just as with a recurrent network, the trained model is able to take in variable sequence lengths, although performance definitely worsens when we deviate from the lengths used in the training set.



$ python3 --train

This trains a model with default parameters:

  • Training steps: --steps=2000
  • Batchsize: --batchsize=100
  • Learning rate: --lr=1e-2
  • Savepath: --savepath=models/
  • Encoding dimensions: --hidden=64

The model will be trained on the Counting Task with default parameters:

  • Max sequence length: --max_len=10
  • Vocabulary size: --vocab_size=3


$ python3 --test

This tests the trained model (remember to specify the parameters if the trained model did not use default parameters).

In particular, you can choose whether to plot the attention heatmap (defaults to False):

  • Plot: --plot


$ python3 --help

Run with the --help flag to get a list of possible flags.


Skip ahead to the Model section for details about the Attention mechanism.


The actual input to the model consists of sequences of one-hot embeddings, which means the input tensor has shape (batchsize, max_len, vocab_size + 1).

It is vocab_size + 1 instead of vocab_size, because we need to add a one-hot dimension for the null character as well.

For example, if we set vocab_size=2, the possible characters will be 'A', 'B' and ' ' (null). Consider a batch of batchsize=1 sequence of length max_len=4:

[['A', 'B', ' ', 'A']]

The embedding for that will be a tensor of shape (1, 4, 3):

[[[0, 1, 0],
  [0, 0, 1],
  [1, 0, 0],
  [0, 1, 0]]]

Output / Labels

Similar to the input, the output predictions consists of sequences of one-hot embeddings ie. we represent the counts as one-hot vectors.

The shape of the predictions is determined by the input parameters. First, the length of the prediction corresponds to the vocab_size. Next the dimension of each step in a predicted sequence corresponds to max_len + 1.

Hence the output/labels tensor should have a shape of (batchsize, vocab_size, max_len + 1).

It is max_len + 1 because the minimum count is 0 and the maximum count is max_len. So there are max_len + 1 possible answers.

If we use the input above as an example, the plain prediction is [[2, 1]], while the embedding is a tensor of shape (1, 2, 5):

[[[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
  [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]]


Attention ie. Queries, Keys, Values

The essence of attention lies in the idea of Queries, Keys and Values.

Suppose we have a supermarket catalogue of product names and respective prices and I want to calculate the average price of drinks. The Query is 'drinks', the Keys are all the product names and the Values are the respective prices. We focus our attention on Values (prices) of Keys (product names) that align most with our Query ('drinks').

See how the Query and Keys have to be the same type? You can see if two words align ('drinks' vs 'water') but you can't align a word with a number, or temperature with prices. Likewise, in the attention mechanism, the Query and Keys have to have the same dimensions.

In scaled dot-product attention, we calculate alignment using the dot product. Intuitively, we see that if the Query and the Key are in the same direction, their dot product will be large and positive. If the Query and the Key are orthogonal, the dot product will be zero. Finally, if the Query and the Key are in opposite directions, their dot product will be large and negative.

We then allocate more attention on Values whose Keys align to the Query. To do this, we simply multiply the softmax of the dot product by the Values. This gives us a weighted sum of the Values, where aligned Keys contribute more to this weighted sum.

Extract of the attention method from the AttentionModel class in the script:

def attention(self, query, key, value):
    # Equation 1 in Vaswani et al. (2017)
    # Scaled dot product between Query and Keys
    scaling_factor = torch.tensor(np.sqrt(query.size()[2]))
    output = torch.bmm(
        query, key.transpose(1, 2)
    ) / scaling_factor
    # Softmax to get attention weights
    attention_weights = F.softmax(output, dim=2)
    # Multiply weights by Values
    weighted_sum = torch.bmm(attention_weights, value)
    # Following Figure 1 and Section 3.1 in Vaswani et al. (2017)
    # Residual connection ie. add weighted sum to original query
    output = weighted_sum + query
    # Layer normalization
    output = self.layer_norm(output)
    return output, attention_weights

Following the Transformer architecture by Vaswani et al. (2017), the weighted sum is added back to the Query via residual connections (Figure 1 and Section 3.1). The sum of Query and weighted sum is then layer-normalized and passed to the next step.

Why do we use the sum of the weighted sum and the original Query instead of just the weighted sum?

One way of understanding it is because the Query may contain important information that cannot be found in the Values. To take a simple example, suppose I have two Key/Value pairs, [1 0]:[0 1] and [0 1]:[0 1] ie. two different Keys [1 0] and [0 1] with both having the same Values [0 1] and [0 1].

If my Query is [1 0], then my weighted sum will be [0 1] ie. the Value of Key [1 0].

On the other hand, if my Query is [0 1], my weighted sum will still be [0 1] ie. the Value of Key [0 1].

If we pass the weighted sum to the next layer, we lose information about the Query. The next layer has no way of telling whether my Query was [1 0] or [0 1]. If we instead pass the sum of the weighted sum and the original Query, we retain the information since the vector that we pass on can be either [0 2] or [1 1].

Now, we need to think about what are our Queries, Keys and Values.


We want the first step of the output sequence to count the number of 'A's and the second step to count the number of 'B's and so on. Why not have one Query vector per output step? The first Query vector can check for 'A's and the second Query vector can check for 'B's and so on.

In that case, our Queries tensor will be of shape (batch_size, vocab_size, hidden). vocab_size is the second dimension since we have one Query vector for each element in our vocabulary. hidden will be the dimension of each Query vector.

We will let the model learn the Queries tensor, by initializing it as a trainable nn.Parameter:

self.query = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((1, self.vocab_size, self.hidden)))

Notice the first dimension for decoder_query in the code above is 1. This is because we will use torch.repeat to change it to batch_size at runtime.

Keys and Values

Following the above input/output examples, our input is of shape (1, 4, 3) ie. a length-4 sequence of 3-dim vectors, where each vector is a representation of a character. To create Key/Value pairs for each character, we can simply pass the input into two regular fully-connected feedforward networks - one for generating a Key for each character and one for generating a Value.

In fact, we just need one regular fully-connected feedforward network, to generate a Key/Value for each character ie. the vector acts as both Key and Value.

Like the Queries tensor, we set the output dimension for both networks to hidden where hidden=64 by default. We then end up with a tensor of shape (1, 4, 64). Each 64-dim vector in the tensor acts as both Key and Value for each character.

self.key_val_dense = nn.Linear(self.vocab_size + 1, self.hidden)

Decoding and Softmax

All that's left is then to compute the scaled dot-product attention, using the Queries tensor and the Keys/Values tensor.

We then pass that to a regular feedforward network to get logits of self.max_len + 1 dimensions and we just torch.argmax these logits to get the predictions.

decoding, self.attention_weights = self.attention(
    self.query.repeat(key_val.shape[0], 1, 1),
self.final_dense = nn.Linear(self.hidden, self.max_len + 1)
logits = self.final_dense(decoding)
predictions = logits.argmax(dim=2)

That's mainly it for the short and simplified demo of attention for the counting task!

Here's a summary figure for the algorithm used in this Task!



If you look at the attention weights printed out when testing the model, you will notice that the same characters are assigned the same weights. That does not seem correct when you consider, for example, language processing - the same words in different positions should be accorded different weights.

In the case of this toy experiment, the order of the input sequence does not matter, since we are just counting characters. But if the order is important, as with the output sequence here, we can use positional encodings, as used by Vaswani et al. (2017) (see Figure 1 and Section 3.5 of the paper).The idea here is to modify the input and output embeddings to help the model differentiate between steps. Vaswani et al. does this by simply adding sine and cosine functions to the embeddings.

In our case, while position is irrelevant for the input sequence, it is important for the output sequence ie. the meanings of the elements in the output sequence are represented almost entirely by their position eg. we know that the first element in the output counts the number of 'A's by the fact that it is the first element. So we actually do use positional encodings to differentiate between the output steps. Specifically, the Queries vector that is initialized as a trainable nn.Parameter is our positional encoding for the output. In this case, we allow the model to learn its own positional encoding.