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563 lines (455 loc) · 15.2 KB

File metadata and controls

563 lines (455 loc) · 15.2 KB

GitHub license Sonatype Nexus (Releases) Gitter Java CI with Maven


mapper-xml is an annotation-processor-based XML mapper that works both on the client side - GWT and J2CL - and on the JVM side with "Code-first" approach.

mapper-xml is a relaxed implementation of the Jakarta JAXB specification, which means that it is not 100% compatible with the JAXB specification;


Artifacts are published to sonatype repo

Installing xml-mapper:

  1. Add relevant dependencies to the pom file:

    1.1. Add the following dependencies:

    • For the JRE environment:

    1.2. For both JRE and GWT2/J2CL environments, add the API and annotation processor dependencies:


    In case you use GWT2, add the inherits directive to your gwt.xml file:

      <inherits name="org.treblereel.gwt.xml.mapper.Mapper"/>
  2. Annotate POJOs with the @XMLMapper annotation:

    import org.treblereel.gwt.xml.mapper.api.annotation.XMLMapper;
    public class Person {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        public String getFirstName() {
            return firstName;
        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
        public String getLastName() {
            return lastName;
        public void setLastName(String lastName) {
            this.lastName = lastName;

Setup is complete.

Using XML mapper

The annotation processor will generate the XML mapper for the Person class.

Example of serializing Person to XML:

  Person_XMLMapperImpl mapper = Person_XMLMapperImpl.INSTANCE;

  public void testDeserializeValue() throws XMLStreamException {
    Person person = new Person();

    String result = mapper.write(person);
    //<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Person><firstName>FirstName</firstName><lastName>LastName</lastName></Person>

Example of deserializing to POJO:

    Person person1 =;

Supported annotations and data types:

Supported JAXB annotations:

Supported data types:

    //primitives and boxed
    public String stringField;
    public byte byteField;
    public Byte boxedByteField;
    public short shortField;
    public Short boxedShortField;
    public int intField;
    public Integer boxedIntField;
    public long longField;
    public Long boxedLongField;
    public double doubleField;
    public Double boxedDoubleField;
    public float floatField;
    public Float boxedFloatField;
    public boolean booleanField;
    public Boolean boxedBooleanField;
    public char charField;
    public Character boxedCharField;
    //special types
    public BigInteger bigIntegerField;
    public BigDecimal bigDecimalField;
    public Date dateField;
    public java.sql.Date sqlDateField;
    public Time timeField;
    public Timestamp timestampField;
    public UUID uui;

    public Enum enumField;

    //1 dimensional primitives arrays
    public byte[] byteFieldArray;
    public short[] shortFieldArray;
    public int[] intFieldArray;
    public long[] longFieldArray;
    public double[] doubleFieldArray;
    public float[] floatFieldArray;
    public boolean[] booleanFieldArray;
    public char[] charFieldArray;

    //2 dimensional primitives arrays
    public byte[][] byteFieldArray2d;
    public short[][] shortFieldArray2d;
    public int[][] intFieldArray2d;
    public long[][] longFieldArray2d;
    public double[][] doubleFieldArray2d;
    public float[][] floatFieldArray2d;
    public boolean[][] booleanFieldArray2d;
    public char[][] charFieldArray2d;

    //1 dimensional Boxed arrays
    public String[] stringFieldArray;
    public Byte[] boxedByteFieldArray;
    public Short[] boxedShortFieldArray;
    public Integer[] boxedIntFieldArray;
    public Long[] boxedLongFieldArray;
    public Double[] boxedDoubleFieldArray;
    public Float[] boxedFloatFieldArray;
    public Boolean[] boxedBooleanFieldArray;
    public Character[] boxedCharFieldArray;
    //1 dimensional special types arrays
    public BigInteger[] bigIntegerFieldArray;
    public BigDecimal[] bigDecimalFieldArray;
    public Date[] dateFieldArray;
    public java.sql.Date[] sqlDateFieldArray;
    public Time[] timeFieldArray;
    public Timestamp[] timestampFieldArray;

    //2 dimensional boxed arrays
    public String[][] stringFieldArray2d;
    public Byte[][] boxedByteFieldArray2d;
    public Short[][] boxedShortFieldArray2d;
    public Integer[][] boxedIntFieldArray2d;
    public Long[][] boxedLongFieldArray2d;
    public Double[][] boxedDoubleFieldArray2d;
    public Float[][] boxedFloatFieldArray2d;
    public Boolean[][] boxedBooleanFieldArray2d;
    public Character[][] boxedCharFieldArray2d;
    public AbstractCollection<String> abstractCollection;
    public AbstractList<String> abstractList;
    public AbstractQueue<String> abstractQueue;
    public AbstractSequentialList<String> abstractSequentialList;
    public AbstractSet<String> abstractSet;
    public ArrayList<String> arrayList;
    public Collection<String> collection;
    public EnumSet<AnEnum> enumSet;
    public HashSet<String> hashSet;
    public Iterable<String> iterable;
    public LinkedHashSet<String> linkedHashSet;
    public LinkedList<String> linkedList;
    public List<String> list;
    public PriorityQueue<String> priorityQueue;
    public Queue<String> queue;
    public Set<String> set;
    public SortedSet<String> sortedSet;
    public Stack<String> stack;
    public TreeSet<String> treeSet;
    public Vector<String> vector;
    public AbstractMap<String, String> abstractMap;
    public EnumMap<AnEnum, Integer> enumMap;
    public HashMap<Integer, Double> hashMap;
    public IdentityHashMap<Long, Date> identityHashMap;
    public LinkedHashMap<Double, AnEnum> linkedHashMap;
    public Map<Short, Time> map;
    public SortedMap<String, Short> sortedMap;
    public TreeMap<String, BigInteger> treeMap;
    public AnotherBean anotherBean;



@XmlAttribute defines the field that will be mapped as an attribute instead of an element. Name value can be used to override the attribute name.


    @XmlAttribute(name = "_id")
    private int id;


    <Person _id="111" />


@XmlElement defines the actual XML element name that will be used.


    @XmlAttribute(name = "_id")
    private int id;




@XmlCData defines the field that will be mapped as a CDATA section. Use it with String fields.


    private String id;




@XmlTransient annotates fields that we don't want to include in the future XML file. It's also possible to use the transient modifier.


    private String id;
    private transient String id;


The name of the root XML element is derived from the class name. We can also specify the name of the root element of the XML using its name attribute.


    @XmlRootElement(name = "person")
    public class Person {



Namespace is used to add the xmlns declaration to the element.


    @XmlRootElement(name = "person", namespace = "https://my.namespace")
    public class Person {


<person xmlns="https://my.namespace"><id>1</id><firstName>FirstName</firstName><lastName>LastName</lastName></person>


@XmlType defines the order in which the fields are written in the XML file.


    @XmlType(propOrder = {"lastName", "firstName","id"})
    public class Person {

     private String id;
     private String firstName;
     private String lastName;




@XmlElementWrapper generates a wrapper element around XML elements.


    @XmlElementWrapper(name = "XmlElementWrapper")
    private String firstName;




@XmlSchema is used on the package to set a default namespace attribute and specify that all elements in the package are qualified with the namespace. This information is specified in a special Java source file:


    @XmlSchema(namespace = "")
package org.treblereel.gwt.xml.mapper.client.tests.beans.simple;

import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;


  <Person xmlns="">

Sometimes it's necessary to add xsi:schemaLocation to the root element. An example:


     @XmlSchema(namespace = "",
        xmlns = {
                @XmlNs(prefix = "xsi", namespaceURI = ""),
                @XmlNs(prefix = "drools", namespaceURI = "")
        location =
                " "
package org.treblereel.gwt.xml.mapper.client.tests.beans.simple;

import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;


  <Person xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:drools="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ">

@XmlType can be used to override the namespace declaration.

    @XmlType(namespace = "")


@XmlNs is used to add additional namespace declarations in @XmlSchema;


     @XmlSchema(namespace = "",
        xmlns = {
                @XmlNs(prefix = "drools", namespaceURI = "")
package org.treblereel.gwt.xml.mapper.client.tests.beans.simple;

import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;


     <Person xmlns="" xmlns:drools="">


@XmlSeeAlso instructs a marshaller to also bind other classes when binding this class. Subclasses must be annotated with @XmlRootElement.


    class Animal {}
    class Dog extends Animal {}
    class Cat extends Animal {}
    public class SomeClass {
        private Animal animal;


     <animal xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="Dog">


Compared to an element property (property with XmlElement annotation), a reference property has a different substitution semantics. When a subclass is assigned to a property, an element property produces the same tag name with @xsi:type, whereas a reference property produces a different tag name (the tag name that's on the subclass.)


    @XmlElement(name = "_Address1", type = Address.class),
    @XmlElement(name = "_Address2", type = Address2.class),
    @XmlElement(name = "_Address3", type = Address3.class)
    private List<IAddress> iAddressList;


  <iAddressList xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="_Address1" />


Compared to an element property (property with {@link XmlElement} annotation), a reference property has a different substitution semantics. When a subclass is assigned to a property, an element property produces the same tag name with @xsi:type, whereas a reference property produces a different tag name (the tag name that's on the subclass.)


    @XmlElementRef(name = "_Address1", type = Address.class),
    @XmlElementRef(name = "_Address2", type = Address2.class),
    @XmlElementRef(name = "_Address3", type = Address3.class)
    private List<IAddress> iAddressListRef;

    ... iAddressListRef.add(new Address("AAAA"))




Use an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.

  • field
  • type
  • package, from within XmlJavaTypeAdapters


  private MyCustomBean value;
public class MyTestBeanValueAdapter extends XmlAdapter<MyCustomBeanType, MyCustomBean> {

  public MyCustomBean unmarshal(MyCustomBeanType v) throws Exception {
    return new MyCustomBean(v);

  public MyCustomBeanType marshal(MyCustomBean v) throws Exception {
    return new MyCustomBeanType(v);


Enables mapping a class to a XML Schema complex type with a simpleContent or a XML Schema simple type.


public class User {
         public String name;


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><User>testName</User>


Maps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.


  public enum Enums {


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><EnumBean><val>_three</val></EnumBean>