Debian GNU/Linux Base Boxes for Vagrant.
debian-boxes provides a simple shell script janitor and some configuration stuff to install, configure and pack Debian based Vagrant boxes. The OS is installed from a minimal network install ISO image. The current provider is VirtualBox only.
To run janitor following software is required:
$ ./janitor -h
usage: janitor -r|--release=<version> -k|--kernel=<version> [-d|--dry-run]
janitor -h|--help
janitor -v|--version
-h --help display this message
-v --version display version
-r --release=<version> set release version
-k --kernel=<version> set kernel version
-d --dry-run process arguments, but don't build anything
dependencies: jq, packer, virtualbox
You can choose the kernel version (latest stable [base] or backport [bpo]) and the Debian release version (stable, wheezy, v770, v760).
For further information and configuration see the JSON file.
The installation process sets up a minimal Debian with following extra packages:
- openssh-server
- sudo
- acpid
- bash-completion
- less
- file
- psmisc
- ntpdate
- curl
- nfs-common
- task-german
The environment is prepared for English (default) and German locales. The timezone is set to Europe/Berlin and time is synchronized via network. Apt is configured to not install recommended packages and the mirror points to (main, contrib, non-free, updates, backports). The default user is named installer with password installer and has superuser permission without password reentry - see Vagrant SSH settings
Further the hostname is set to the Debian release codename (e.g. wheezy) with domain local and all getty's are deactivated.
The proper VirtualBox guest additions are installed, the container is shrinked, packed as Vagrant box and named The box is configured to use 512M memory and 1 CPU - see Vagrant VirtualBox Configuration