Releases: webrtcHacks/adapter
Releases · webrtcHacks/adapter
Common: handle onxxx = null
Chrome: make ONN async, workaround for #640, fix GUM error callback, munge sdp to keep stream ids, chrome,firefox,safari: add augmenting RTCIceCandidate constructor, common: make URL.createObjectURL shim depend on native support and Shim event.transceiver
chrome: workaround for #640
chrome_shim: reject removeTrack(track) + various test fixes and improvements.
chrome: throw exception if adding a stream with a track that already exist, polyfill ontrack in SRD, shim removeTrack
Use simple object assignment instead of Object.assign (for Phantom like browsers)
Edge: only set remote candidates once for answer with a=group:BUNDLE, shim 1.0 DTMFSender and lots of test improvements
safari: shim RTCIceServer.url and nag about it, edge: Use session ID for each peer connection + some misc fixes
Safaridriver support added, shimObjectURL and stream management added for Safari, make Chrome DTMF shim native sender compatible
Does not modify the global window object rather the provided one, couple of edge fixes, gum error mapping, shim gain and noise gum constraints and more