2021.6 Update: The pytorch and the tensorflow versions of the dlADMM code for the MLP model are available.
2020.4 Update: The dlADMM code is optimized without the cupy library and runs 10 times faster than the previous version. Each iteration takes only several seconds.
This is a implementation of deep learning Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers(dlADMM) for the task of fully-connected neural network problem, as described in our paper:
Junxiang Wang, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen, and Liang Zhao. ADMM for Efficient Deep Learning with Global Convergence. (KDD 2019)
python setup.py install
For the pytorch version:
For the tensorflow version:
For the pytorch version:
python main.py
For the MLP model, two benchmark datasets MNIST and Fashion-MNIST are included in this package.
For the GCN model, five benchmark datasets Cora, PubMed, Citeseer, Coauthor-CS and Coauthor-Physics are included in this package.
Please cite our following paper if you use our code in your own work:
author = {Wang, Junxiang and Yu, Fuxun and Chen, Xiang and Zhao, Liang},
title = {ADMM for Efficient Deep Learning with Global Convergence},
year = {2019},
isbn = {9781450362016},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/3292500.3330936},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {alternating direction method of multipliers, deep learning, global convergence},
location = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
series = {KDD ’19}
The previous paper on training neural networks via ADMM "Training Neural Networks Without Gradients: A Scalable ADMM Approach" has published their code at https://gitlab.umiacs.umd.edu/tomg/admm_nets.