This package makes it easier to add stripe integrations to laravel applications
To get the latest version, simply require the package using Composer:
$ composer require 64robots/stripe
Once installed, this package will automatically register its service provider.
To publish the config file to config/stripe.php
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="R64\Stripe\StripeServiceProvider" --tag="config"
The class you'd propably interact with the most is PaymentProcessor
class. The processor class can be injected into other classes or can be resolved from the container.
use R64\Stripe\PaymentProcessor;
$processor = app(PaymentProcessor::class);
$charge = $processor->createCharge([
'customer' => 'cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo',
'amount' => 100,
'currency' => 'USD',
'source' => 'tok_visa'
- To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a Charge object. You can create a charge using the
method on thePaymentProcessor
class. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Charge
object would be returned.
$charge = $processor->createCharge([
'customer' => 'cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo',
'amount' => 100,
'currency' => 'USD',
'source' => 'tok_visa'
The processor allows you to create, update, list customers and get a single customer.
- To create a customer, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Customer
object would be returned.
$customer = $processor->createCustomer([
'description' => 'Customer for [email protected]',
'source' => 'tok_visa',
'email' => [email protected],
'metadata' => [
'first_name' => Rosen,
'last_name' => Gina,
- To update a customer, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Customer
object would be returned.
$customer = $processor->updateCustomer([
'id' => 1,
'email' => [email protected],
'description' => Update [email protected] details,
'source' => 'tok_visa'
- To get a single customer, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Customer
object would be returned.
$customer = $processor->getCustomer('cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo');
You can get a card, create and update a card using the processor.
- To get a single card details, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Card
object would be returned.
$card = $processor->getCard('cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo', 'card_1FyI6w2eZvKYlo2COseWzZAo');
- To create a card, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Card
object would be returned.
$card = $processor->createCard([
'source' => 'tok_visa'
- To update a card, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Card
object would be returned.
$card = $processor->updateCard(
'name' => 'Jenny Rosen'
Plans define the base price, currency, and billing cycle for subscriptions.
- To create a product, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Product
object would be returned.
$product = $processor->createProduct([
'name' => 'Monthly membership base fee',
'type' => 'service',
- To create a plan, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Plan
object would be returned.
$plan = $processor->createPlan([
'product' => ['name' => 'Gold special'],
'nickname' => 'special,
'interval' => 'month',
'billing_scheme' => 'per_unit',
'amount' => 100,
'currency' => 'usd'
- To create a subscription, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Subscription
object would be returned.
$subscription = $processor->createSubscription([
'customer' => 'cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo',
'items' => [
'object' => 'list',
'plan' => plan_GVIh1z2696UJyR
- To create an invoice, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Invoice
object would be returned.
$invoice = $processor->createInvoice([
'customer' => 'cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo',
'subscription' => 'sub_DUVhBH3LKxekhs',
- To create an invoice item, use the
method on the processor. AR64\Stripe\Objects\InvoiceItem
object would be returned.
$invoiceItem = $processor->createInvoiceItem([
'customer' => 'cus_GVIiC06JWCq1mo',
'subscription' => 'sub_DUVhBH3LKxekhs',
'amount' => 100,
'currency' => 'usd',
- To get an invoice details, use the
method. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Invoice
object would be returned.
$invoice = $this->processor->getInvoice('in_1FJSdj2eZvKYlo2CCyOhyNxj');
- To get a subscription details, use the
method. AR64\Stripe\Objects\Subscription
object would be returned.
$subscription = $this->processor->getSubscription(sub_DUVhBH3LKxekhs);
You can create, update and get a card holder's details.
- To create a card holder, use the
method. AR64\Stripe\Objects\CardHolder
object would be returned.
$cardHolder = $processor->createCardHolder([
'type' => 'individual',
'name' => 'Jenny Rosen',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone_number' => '+18888675309',
'billing' => [
'name' => 'Jenny Rosen',
'address' => [
'line1' => '1234 Main Street',
'city' => 'San Francisco',
'state' => 'CA',
'country' => 'US',
'postal_code' => '94111',
- To update a card holders details, use the
method. AR64\Stripe\Objects\CardHolder
object would be returned.
$cardHolder = $processor->updateCardHolder([
'metadata' => [
'order_id' => '6735'
- To retrieve a card holder, use the
method. AR64\Stripe\Objects\CardHolder
object would be returned.
$cardHolder = $processor->getCardHolder('ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4');