A generic template to base your language-specific templates.
- GitHub Actions integration
- Woodpecker CI integration
- lefthook pre-commit scripts
- just and go-task task runners
- comtrya deployment runners
- pipelight CI pipelines
- goji and cocogitto conventional / commitizen commit message linting
- typos spell checking
- git-cliff keep-a-changelog changelog generator and version bumper
- lychee link checker
- minijinja templating
- treefmt code formatting
- trivy and trufflehog security scanning
- venom and hurl test suites
- rspress and mdbook documentation sites
- abc and xyz todo list / kanban manager
cargo install just
just install
just build
- cocogitto
- comtrya
- hurl
- git-cliff
- goji
- go-task
- just
- lychee
- lefthook
- minijinja
- pipelight
- treefmt
- trivy
- trufflehog
- typos
- venom