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Apply Dark Mode to all Controls in a Form [WinForms]


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Apply Dark Mode to all Controls in a Form [WinForms]


  • This will detect if dark mode color is enabled in Windows settings.
  • Then iterate all the controls on your form and try to convert them to DarkMode (if enabled).
  • [Optional] If you have icons on your menus or toolbars, they will be recolored to give you a lighter, more visible-in-the-dark version of your icons. (Works best with monochrome icons)
  • You can access Windows Dark Colors and use them for whatever you need.

Now with Dark Messenger

Window's default MessageBox cant not be themed, so Added a Messenger.cs class that allowes the user to popup Messages and InputBoxes:

  • Messenger.MessageBox is a Direct replacement for the old MessageBox.Show, the new one applies Windows's Dark Mode automaticaly.
  • Messenger.InputBox is a replacement for VisualBasic's InputBox, implemented for C# and with extended functionalities:
    • In its simplies form, you ask the user for a Text Input, then you use that for whatever you need
    • But Messenger.InputBox allowes you to promt the user with many more 'Fields' of different types: Preview
  • Button Texts are automatically translated to 7 Languages: en, es, de, fr, ru, kr, zh.
  • DarkMode doesnt require the Messenger but Messenger does require DarkMode.


   if (Messenger.MessageBox("Hello World!", "You got a Message:",
       MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.OK)
      //Do Something here.
catch (Exception ex)


// Definition of a Single Field:
var BoolControl = new KeyValue("Boolean", "true", KeyValue.ValueTypes.Boolean);

// Can Validate User Inputs on the Field:
BoolControl.Validate += (object? _control, KeyValue.ValidateEventArgs _e) =>
   string OldValue = _e.OldValue;
   if (_e.NewValue == "False")
      //_e.Cancel = true; //<- CAN CANCEL THE MODIFICATION
      _e.ErrorText = "No puede ser Falso!";

// Custom Values for 'Dynamic' Fields:
List<KeyValue> Dtypes = new List<KeyValue>
   new KeyValue("RichText Format", "0"),
   new KeyValue("Plain Text",      "1"),
   new KeyValue("AccountManager",  "2")

// Definition of Multiple Fields:
List<KeyValue> _Fields = new List<KeyValue>
   new KeyValue("String",  "String",   KeyValue.ValueTypes.String),
   new KeyValue("Password","Password", KeyValue.ValueTypes.Password),
   new KeyValue("Integer", "1000",     KeyValue.ValueTypes.Integer),
   new KeyValue("Decimal", "3,141638", KeyValue.ValueTypes.Decimal),
   new KeyValue("Dynamic", "1",        KeyValue.ValueTypes.Dynamic, Dtypes),

// Dialog Show:
if (Messenger.InputBox("Custom InputBox", "Please Fill the Form:", ref _Fields,
    MsgIcon.Edit, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
   Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("The New Password is: '{0}'", _Fields[0].Value));

Example of a LoginForm with Password Validation:


List<KeyValue> _Fields = new List<KeyValue>
   new KeyValue("User Name", "user", KeyValue.ValueTypes.String),
   new KeyValue("Password",  string.Empty, KeyValue.ValueTypes.Password)

// Can Validate All the Controls before Closing the Dialog:
Messenger.ValidateControls += (object? sender, CancelEventArgs e) =>
   string _userName = _Fields[0].Value;
   string _password = _Fields[1].Value;

   //TODO: Here you should send the User/Password to your BackEnd for Validation
   if (_password != "password")
      _Fields[1].ErrorText = "Incorrect Password!";
      e.Cancel = true; //<- Prevents the Dialog to be closed until is valid

// Dialog Show:
if (Messenger.InputBox("Login", "Please Input your Credentials:", ref _Fields,
 MsgIcon.Lock, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
   Messenger.MessageBox(string.Format("The User '{0}' is Logged!", _Fields[0].Value), "Login Correct!",
      MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);


  • No Nuggets, No external DLLs, Just 1 File: DarkModeCS.cs Copy/Paste or Download and import it into your project.
  • 1 Line to implement it:
public Form1()
   _ = new DarkModeCS(this); //<- Line of code here

Dark Mode Colors


Framework Compatibility

  • .NET 4.8+
  • .NET 6.0+
  • Some stuff may only work on Windows 11+
  • VS 2022+


There are a few Winforms Controls that are, by design, extremely hard to theme:

  • TabControl: 90% themed, a white border around the selected tab still remains. You could use FlatTabControl instead, check in the Example.
  • MessageBox: Can't be themed. You can use Messenger instead.
  • DateTimePicker: Un-themed.
  • MonthCalendar: Un-themed.
  • ProgressBar: Un-themed. You can use FlatProgressBar instead.

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Apply Dark Mode to all Controls in a Form [WinForms]







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