What unique ideas do YOU see the need for in your life today?
Build an app that solves a problem or improves your life or the lives of those around you.
An app for the top businesses/individuals in a certain category
A directory for community resources
A game
Social Media
Something Completely New
Create a React App for the frontend of your app. It should have the following:
- Well Designed Splash Section
- Logo, Video, Promo Image, etc
- About Section
- Tel us about the product, the problem you're solving, the team behind the project, the purpose
- Proof Of Concept
Demonstrate the unique selling point of your app.
Have buttons that work. any time the user interacts, what changes should the see on the page?
- Create a Express Server for the backend of your app. It should have the following:
Express library Cors library dotenv library
Create at least 4 routes with at least 1 route for each HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Responds to request from the frontend with data based on the endpoint they are calling.
- Use [Real Data]https://data.memphistn.gov/ in your app
- If a data source from the Memphis Data Hub give you .json, use that file in your server.
- If a data source is already hosted on an API, make an API call from your server and return results to your frontend app.