Releases: Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator
v1.99 [Routes rework]
Current version of the Fantasy Map Generator is the latest master
branch. You can download it here:
Also see
What's Changed
- State labels: new label placing algorithm by @Azgaar in #977
- Compress save file by @Azgaar in #986
- Fix typo and remove spurious quotes by @FWDekker in #1007
- Custom heightmap color scheme by @Azgaar in #1013
- Fix: rework texture data format by @Azgaar in #1017
- Fit map to screen size by @Azgaar in #1018
- Vignette layer by @Azgaar in #1021
- Ocean heightmap and Scale bar styling change [v1.96] by @Azgaar in #1045
- Update burgs-and-states.js by @TheRealStanPines in #1054
- Generate Watabou Village Generator preview links for small burgs by @Azgaar in #1056
- Nautical mile option in Units-Editor by @Avengium in #1059
- Fix regiments getting bugged when merging states by @Ruichka in #1067
- Quechua namesbase fix - see reddit by @carnotcrash2 in #1081
- BAT-file for run PHP built-in server by @sunnyphp in #1094
- Сonfigurable longitude by @Azgaar in #1095
- Urquhart routes by @Azgaar in #1072
New Contributors
- @FWDekker made their first contribution in #1007
- @TheRealStanPines made their first contribution in #1054
- @Ruichka made their first contribution in #1067
- @carnotcrash2 made their first contribution in #1081
- @sunnyphp made their first contribution in #1094
Full Changelog: v1.9...v1.99
v1.9 [Climate mastery update]
Release date: 2023-08-06
Main Changes
- North and South Poles temperature can be set independently by StempunkDev
- More than 70 new heraldic charges by Blipz
- Multi-color heraldic charges support by Blipz
- New 3D scene options and improvements by yldrefruz
- Type selection for marker placement by elad-haviv
- Autosave [1.89.29]
- Google translation support
- Religions can be edited and redrawn like cultures
- Lock states, provinces, cultures, and religions from regeneration by Minivera [1.89.00]
- Heightmap brushes: linear edit option [1.88.00]
- Simplify style on 'optimizeSpeed' rendering [1.87.15]
- Levantine names base and culture changes [1.87.14]
- Data charts screen [1.87.00]
- Hierarchy tree UX improvement [1.86.06]
- Multi-parental cultures and religions hierarchy trees [1.86.00]
- Load from cloud: change format and order in dropdown [1.85.00]
- Adjective generation rules improvement [1.84.12]
- Heightmap selection screen [1.84.0]
- Dialogs optimization for mobile [1.84.0]
- New heightmap template - Fractious [1.83.0]
- Template Editor - mask and invert steps [1.83.0]
- Cultures editor - load script dynamically [1.82.2]
- States editor - load script dynamically [1.82.0]
- PWA Installation [1.81.1]
- 14 new fonts [1.81.0]
- Caching [1.81.0]
New Contributors
- @satche made their first contribution in #834
- @carnotcrash made their first contribution in #846
- @schizoidnightmares made their first contribution in #855
- @frogdesk made their first contribution in #867
- @sofronaspe made their first contribution in #872
- @epswartz made their first contribution in #912
- @ZZWILLIAMXXTrue made their first contribution in #955
- @metehan made their first contribution in #968
- @elad-haviv made their first contribution in #966
Full Changelog: v1.8...v1.9
v1.8 [Submap update]
Release date: 2022-04-26
Main changes:
- Submap tool by Goteguru [1.732]
- Resample tool by Goteguru [1.732]
- Pre-defined heightmaps [1.732]
- Advanced notes editor [1.731]
- Zones editor: filter by type by Avengium and Azgaar [1.73]
- Color picker: new hatches by Avengium and evolvedexperiment [1.73]
- New style preset: Atlas by LordGnome [1.722]
- New style preset: Cyberpunk by Terraria Eyeball with Salt in it [1.721]
- Disallow local usage without server [1.721]
- Burg temperature graph by Kerravitarr [1.72]
- 4 new textures [1.71]
- Province capture logic rework [1.71]
- Button to release all provinces [1.71]
- Limit military units by biome, state, culture and religion [1.71]
New Contributors
- @dranorter made their first contribution in #673
- @skoinks made their first contribution in #681
- @Avengium made their first contribution in #712
- @yldrefruz made their first contribution in #730
- @Kerravitarr made their first contribution in #733
- @juacom99 made their first contribution in #746
- @LordGnomeMBE made their first contribution in #748
- @Elarnon made their first contribution in #753
- @annapanni made their first contribution in #761
- @doddydad made their first contribution in #769
- @imgbot made their first contribution in #783
Full Changelog: v1.7...v1.8
v1.7 [Markers update]
Release date: 2021-03-02
Main changes:
1.7 - 2021-10-06:
- New marker types
- New markers editor
- Markers overview screen
- Markers regeneration menu
- Burg editor update
- Theme color option
- Add font dialog
- Save to Dropbox via SDK
1.66 - 2021-09-01:
- Save and load .map files to Dropbox
- Ability to add control points on river edit
- New heightmap template: Taklamakan
- Option to not scale labels on zoom
1.65 - 2021-07-28:
- Refactoring river rendering
- River data is now stored in object, not svg
- Keep river course on edit
- Ability to add river selecting its cells
1.64 - 2021-07-10:
- 3d labels in 3d view
- Refactoring states rendering
- State halo styling
- New styles: Light and Watercolor
[1.63] - 2021-07-1:
- Ability to style label shadow
- Save map as tiles
[1.62] - 2021-06-09:
- Rivers generation refactoring
- Lake handling for river generation change
- Creating lakes in deep depression areas
- Options to control lakes generation in Heightmap Edit
[1.61] - 2021-03-06:
- Ability to lock burgs from regeneration
- Polyline ruler
- Route ruler
- New ocean pattern by Kiwiroo
For a desktop version please read Q&A
New Contributors
- @RichardRobertson made their first contribution in #606
- @Legogizmo made their first contribution in #612
- @rutgerhartog made their first contribution in #639
- @Rayzeq made their first contribution in #635
- @goteguru made their first contribution in #649
- @ken-bimmel made their first contribution in #655
Full Changelog: v1.6...v1.7
v1.6 [Rivers and Lakes update]
Release date: 2021-03-02
Main changes:
- River overview and River editor rework
- River generation code refactoring
- Rivers flux calculation
- Lake editor rework
- Lake type defined dynamically based on river system
- Lake flux, inlets and outlet tracked properly
- Lake evaporation calculated using simplified Penman formula: evaporation depends on surface, temperature and elevation
- Lake outlet rendered with starting width depending on flux
- Lake name generation
For a desktop version please read Q&A
v1.5 [Emblems update]
Release date: 2021-02-23
Main changes:
- State, province and burg Emblems generation
- Emblem editor integrated with Armoria
- Burg editor screen update
- Speak name functionality
For a desktop version please read Q&A
v1.4 [Into the Battle]
Release date: 2020-06-21
Main changes:
- Battle simulation
- Ice layer and ice editor
- Route Elevation profile
- Image Converter enhancement
- Name generator improvement
- Fogging style change
- Improved integration with MFCG
- New lake style: Dry lake
- Bug fixes
For a desktop version please read Q&A
v1.3 [Military update]
Release date: 2020-04-01
Main changes:
- Military Forces generation
- Military Forces Overview
- Military Units Editor
- Regiments Editor
- Bug fixes
v1.2 [Third Dimension]
Release date: 2019-10-23
Main changes:
- 3d scene
- Globe view
- Save as JPEG
- Physical layer preset
- Diplomacy Editor enhancements
- Bug fixes
- Rivers Overview