This is backend API for a bookstore. It is built with ASP.NET Core ,Entity Framework and SQL Server Database.
Clone the Repository
Change into the project directory: cd C-Capstone-BookStore
3.Run the following command to restore the project dependencies dotnet restore
- Build the project to ensure everything is set up correctly: dotnet build
5.Start the Web API by running: dotnet run
By default, this will start the API on http://localhost:portNumber or https://localhost:portNumber. Check the output of the dotnet run command for the exact URLs.
Ensure that SQL Server instance is running.
Run the below commands in Package Manager to create database
add-migrations add InitialCreate update-database
Run the following command - dotnet-run
Books: GET /books : Retrieve a list of all books GET /books/{book_id} : Retrieve details of a specific book POST /books : Add a new book PUT /books/{book_id} : Update details of an existing book DELETE /books/{book_id} : Delete a specific book
Authors: GET /authors : Retrieve a list of all authors GET /authors/{author_id} : Retrieve details of a specific author POST /authors : Add a new author PUT /authors/{author_id} : Update details of an existing author DELETE /authors/{author_id} : Delete a specific author
Genres: GET /genres : Retrieve a list of all genres GET /genres/{genre_id} : Retrieve details of a specific genre POST /genres : Add a new genre
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