This is the shared Github code and data repository for members of CABAH. Curated by @cjabradshaw & @fredsaltre (please contact for membership).
Example content:
- Atlas of Living Australia: Free and open source IT infrastructure for the aggregation and delivery of biodiversity data (links to Github organisation page)
- FosSahul: A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul’s Quaternary vertebrates (a CABAH product)
- IPPD: An evolving, open-access database of the largest collection of palaecological information in the Indo-Pacific region (a CABAH product)
- MorphoSource: Find, view, and download 3D data representing the world's natural history, cultural heritage, and scientific collections (links to Github organisation page)
- Neotoma: This R package pulls data from the Neotoma Palaeoecology Database, an online hub for data, research, education, and discussion about palaeoenvironments
- OCTOPUS: Open Cosmogenic Isotope and Luminescence Database (a CABAH product)
- SahulArch: Database of published radiocarbon ages for archaeological records from Sahul (a CABAH product)
- WorldClim: a database of high spatial resolution global weather and climate data (see here for instructions on how to access the data directly from R)
- holoflow: Bioinformatics pipeline for hologenomics data generation and analysis
- Inferring-networks-and-modelling-trophic-cascades: Scripts and data associated with the paper: Sahul’s megafauna species were vulnerable to plant-community changes due to their position in the trophic network
- MegafaunaSusceptibility: R code for building stochastic demographic models of extinct megafauna of Sahul
- Predator-prey-ABM: code and simulation data for agent-based model in paper: Habitat features and performance interact to determine the outcomes of terrestrial predator–prey pursuits
- SahulHumanSpread: Code and data files necessary for reproducing cellular-automaton model of human spread across Sahul
- SEOZ_megafauna_extirpation: Inferring spatio-temporal trajectories of megafauna extirpations (local extinction) and initial human colonisation in southeastern Australia
- assignDOI: Assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to your Github repository
- FAIR_Workshop_github: A repository for practising the basic use of Github
- learningRresources: Various online & other resources for learning and improving skills in the R programming language
- learningPythonResources: Various online & other resources for learning and improving skills in the Python programming language
- QGIS: A free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)