Lexi is a system (Django web app) that helps us to our Lexicon. Lexi validates any message or communication before sending it to other people such as customers.
Easy! It gets a text, analyzes it, and validates each word to determine whether that word is a common or uncommon word. Then, based on how common each word is, Lexi presents the same text but, additionally, highlights each word with a color tag explaining how common each word is. Lexi also indicates how accessible text is by showing with each message a percentile reading. A message will be green if your use of common words rate higher or equal to 80%. Otherwise, the message will be in red, asking the user to double-check the message. As charts are the best way to show results in a summarized form, Lexi also draws a pie chart with the percentages for both the common and uncommon words.
As mentioned above, Lexi is a Django web app. So there are some preconditions we need to have before using Lexi.
Python 3 needs to be installed in the laptop / server you are using to run Lexi. Make sure you have Python 3.7.4+.
If you already have Python 3 installed, check its version.
$ python --version
Django is the next thing you need to have installed. Verify you have Django 2.2.5+.
You can validate this with the next command.
$ pip show django