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# Contract Semantics

This document aims to clarify the semantics of how a CosmWasm contract interacts with its
environment. There are two main types of actions: _mutating_ actions, which receive `DepsMut` and
are able to modify the state of the blockchain, and _query_ actions, which are run on a single node
with read-only access to the data.

## Execution

In the section below, we will discuss how the `execute` call works, but the same semantics apply to
any other _mutating_ action - `instantiate`, `migrate`, `sudo`, etc.

### SDK Context

Before looking at CosmWasm, we should look at the (somewhat under-documented) semantics enforced by
the blockchain framework we integrate with - the [Cosmos SDK]( It is
based upon the [Tendermint BFT]( Consensus Engine. Let us first look
how they process transactions before they arrive in CosmWasm (and after they leave).

First, the Tendermint engine will seek 2/3+ consensus on a list of transactions to be included in
the next block. This is done _without executing them_. They are simply subjected to a minimal
pre-filter by the Cosmos SDK module, to ensure they are validly formatted transactions, with
sufficient gas fees, and signed by an account with sufficient fees to pay it. Notably, this means
many transactions that error may be included in a block.

Once a block is committed (typically every 5s or so), the transactions are then fed to the Cosmos
SDK sequentially in order to execute them. Each one returns a result or error along with event logs,
which are recorded in the `TxResults` section of the next block. The `AppHash` (or merkle proof or
blockchain state) after executing the block is also included in the next block.

The Cosmos SDK `BaseApp` handles each transaction in an isolated context. It first verifies all
signatures and deducts the gas fees. It sets the "Gas Meter" to limit the execution to the amount of
gas paid for by the fees. Then it makes an isolated context to run the transaction. This allows the
code to read the current state of the chain (after the last transaction finished), but it only
writes to a cache, which may be committed or rolled back on error.

A transaction may consist of multiple messages and each one is executed in turn under the same
context and same gas limit. If all messages succeed, the context will be committed to the underlying
blockchain state and the results of all messages will be stored in the `TxResult`. If one message
fails, all later messages are skipped and all state changes are reverted. This is very important for
atomicity. That means Alice and Bob can both sign a transaction with 2 messages: Alice pays Bob 1000
ATOM, Bob pays Alice 50 ETH, and if Bob doesn't have the funds in his account, Alice's payment will
also be reverted. This is just like a DB Transaction typically works.

[`x/wasm`]( is a custom Cosmos SDK module,
which processes certain messages and uses them to upload, instantiate, and execute smart contracts.
In particular, it accepts a properly signed
routes it to
which loads the proper smart contract and calls `execute` on it. Note that this method may either
return a success (with data and events) or an error. In the case of an error here, it will revert
the entire transaction in the block. This is the context we find ourselves in when our contract
receives the `execute` call.

### Basic Execution

When we implement a contract, we provide the following entry point:

pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { }

With `DepsMut`, this can read and write to the backing `Storage`, as well as use the `Api` to
validate addresses, and `Query` the state of other contracts or native modules. Once it is done, it
returns either `Ok(Response)` or `Err(ContractError)`. Let's examine what happens next:

If it returns `Err`, this error is converted to a string representation (`err.to_string()`), and
this is returned to the SDK module. _All state changes are reverted_ and `x/wasm` returns this error
message, which will _generally_ (see submessage exception below) abort the transaction, and return
this same error message to the external caller.

If it returns `Ok`, the `Response` object is parsed and processed. Let's look at the parts here:

pub struct Response<T = Empty>
T: Clone + fmt::Debug + PartialEq + JsonSchema,
/// Optional list of "subcalls" to make. These will be executed in order
/// (and this contract's subcall_response entry point invoked)
/// *before* any of the "fire and forget" messages get executed.
pub submessages: Vec<SubMsg<T>>,
/// After any submessages are processed, these are all dispatched in the host blockchain.
/// If they all succeed, then the transaction is committed. If any fail, then the transaction
/// and any local contract state changes are reverted.
pub messages: Vec<CosmosMsg<T>>,
/// The attributes that will be emitted as part of a "wasm" event
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
pub data: Option<Binary>,

In the Cosmos SDK, a transaction returns a number of events to the user, along with an optional data
"result". This result is hashed into the next block hash to be provable and can return some
essential state (although in general client apps rely on Events more). This result is more commonly
used to pass results between contracts or modules in the sdk. Note that the `ResultHash` includes
only the `Code` (non-zero meaning error) and `Result` (data) from the transaction. Events and log
are available via queries, but there are no light-client proofs possible.

If the contract sets `data`, this will be returned in the `result` field. `attributes` is a list of
`{key, value}` pairs which will be
[appended to a default event](
The final result looks like this to the client:

"type": "wasm",
"attributes": [
{ "key": "contract_addr", "value": "cosmos1234567890qwerty" },
{ "key": "custom-key-1", "value": "custom-value-1" },
{ "key": "custom-key-2", "value": "custom-value-2" }

### Dispatching Messages

Now let's move onto the `messages` field. Some contracts are fine only talking with themselves, such
as a cw20 contract just adjusting its balances on transfers. But many want to move tokens (native or
cw20) or call into other contracts for more complex actions. This is where messages come in. We
[`CosmosMsg`, which is a serializable representation](
of any external call the contract can make. It looks something like this (with `stargate` feature
flag enabled):

pub enum CosmosMsg<T = Empty>
T: Clone + fmt::Debug + PartialEq + JsonSchema,
/// This can be defined by each blockchain as a custom extension
Stargate {
type_url: String,
value: Binary,

If a contract returns two messages - M1 and M2, these will both be parsed and executed in `x/wasm`
_with the permissions of the contract_ (meaning `info.sender` will be the contract not the original
caller). If they return success, they will emit a new event with the custom attributes, the `data`
field will be ignored, and any messages they return will also be processed. If they return an error,
the parent call will return an error, thus rolling back state of the whole transaction.

Note that the messages are executed
[_depth-first_]( This means if contract A returns
M1 (`WasmMsg::Execute`) and M2 (`BankMsg::Send`), and contract B (from the `WasmMsg::Execute`)
returns N1 and N2 (eg. `StakingMsg` and `DistributionMsg`), the order of execution would be **M1,
N1, N2, M2**.

graph TD;
A[contract A]
M1[M1 / contract B]
M2[M2 / bank send]
N1[N1 / staking]
N2[N2 / distribution]
A --> M1;
A --> M2;
M1 --> N1;
M1 --> N2;

This may be hard to understand at first. "Why can't I just call another contract?", you may ask.
However, we do this to prevent one of most widespread and hardest to detect security holes in
Ethereum contracts - reentrancy. We do this by following the actor model, which doesn't nest
function calls, but returns messages that will be executed later. This means all state that is
carried over between one call and the next happens in storage and not in memory. For more
information on this design, I recommend you read
[our docs on the Actor Model](

### Submessages

As of CosmWasm 0.14 (April 2021), we have added yet one more way to dispatch calls from the
contract. A common request was the ability to get the result from one of the messages you
dispatched. For example, you want to create a new contract with `WasmMsg::Instantiate`, but then you
need to store the address of the newly created contract in the caller. With `submessages`, this is
now possible. It also solves a similar use-case of capturing the error results, so if you execute a
message from eg. a cron contract, it can store the error message and mark the message as run, rather
than aborting the whole transaction. It also allows for limiting the gas usage of the submessage
(this is not intended to be used for most cases, but is needed for eg. the cron job to protect it
from an infinite loop in the submessage burning all gas and aborting the transaction).

Submessage is a generalization of the message concept: indeed, a message is simply a submessage that
never handles any response.

This makes use of `CosmosMsg` as above, but it wraps it inside a `SubMsg` envelope:

pub struct SubMsg<T = Empty>
T: Clone + fmt::Debug + PartialEq + JsonSchema,
pub id: u64,
pub msg: CosmosMsg<T>,
pub gas_limit: Option<u64>,
pub reply_on: ReplyOn,

pub enum ReplyOn {
/// Always perform a callback after SubMsg is processed
/// Only callback if SubMsg returned an error, no callback on success case
/// Only callback if SubMsg was successful, no callback on error case
/// Never make as callback - equivalent to a message

What are the semantics of a submessage execution. First, we create a sub-transaction context around
the state, allowing it to read the latest state written by the caller, but write to yet-another
cache. If `gas_limit` is set, it is sandboxed to how much gas it can use until it aborts with
`OutOfGasError`. This error is caught and returned to the caller like any other error returned from
contract execution (unless it burned the entire gas limit of the transaction). What is more
interesting is what happens on completion.

If it return success, the temporary state is committed (into the caller's cache), and the `Response`
is processed as normal (an event is added to the current EventManager, messages and submessages are
executed). Once the `Response` is fully processed, this may then be intercepted by the calling
contract (for `ReplyOn::Always` and `ReplyOn::Success`). On an error, the subcall will revert any
partial state changes due to this message, but not revert any state changes in the calling contract.
The error may then be intercepted by the calling contract (for `ReplyOn::Always` and
`ReplyOn::Error`). _In this case, the messages error doesn't abort the whole transaction_

Note, that error doesn't abort the whole transaction _if and only if_ the `reply` is called - so in
case of `ReplyOn::Always` and `ReplyOn::Error`. If the submessage is called with `ReplyOn::Success`
(or `ReplyOn::Never`, which makes it effectively a normal message), the error in subsequent call
would result in failing whole transaction and not commit the changes for it. The rule here is as
follows: if for any reason you want your message handling to succeed on submessage failure, you
always have to reply on failure.

Obviously - on the successful processing of sub-message, if the reply is not called (in particular
`ReplyOn::Error`), the whole transaction is assumed to succeed, and is committed.

#### Handling the Reply

In order to make use of `submessages`, the calling contract must have an extra entry point:

pub fn reply(deps: DepsMut, env: Env, msg: Reply) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { }

pub struct Reply {
pub id: u64,
pub gas_used: u64,
/// SubMsgResult is just a nicely serializable version of `Result<SubMsgResponse, String>`
pub result: SubMsgResult,

pub struct SubMsgResponse {
pub events: Vec<Event>,
pub data: Option<Binary>,

After the `submessage` is finished, the caller will get a chance to handle the result. It will get
the original `id` of the subcall so it can switch on how to process this, and the `Result` of the
execution, both success and error. Note that it includes all events returned by the submessage,
which applies to native sdk modules (like Bank) as well as the data returned from below. This and
the original call id provide all context to continue processing it. If you need more state, you must
save some local context to the store (under the `id`) before returning the `submessage` in the
original `execute`, and load it in `reply`. We explicitly prohibit passing information in contract
memory, as that is the key vector for reentrancy attacks, which are a large security surface area in

The `reply` call may return `Err` itself, in which case it is treated like the caller errored, and
aborting the transaction. However, on successful processing, `reply` may return a normal `Response`,
which will be processed as normal - events added to the EventManager, and all `messages` and
`submessages` dispatched as described above.

The one _critical difference_ with `reply`, is that we _do not drop data_. If `reply` returns
`data: Some(value)` in the `Response` object, we will overwrite the `data` field returned by the
caller. That is, if `execute` returns `data: Some(b"first thought")` and the `reply` (with all the
extra information it is privy to) returns `data: Some(b"better idea")`, then this will be returned
to the caller of `execute` (either the client or another transaction), just as if the original
`execute` and returned `data: Some(b"better idea")`. If `reply` returns `data: None`, it will not
modify any previously set data state. If there are multiple submessages all setting this, only the
last one is used (they all overwrite any previous `data` value). As a consequence, you can use
`data: Some(b"")` to clear previously set data. This will be represented as a JSON string instead of
`null` and handled as any other `Some` value.

#### Order and Rollback

Submessages follow the same _depth first_ order rules as `messages`, with their replies considered
as an immediate additional message call. Here is a simple example. Contract A returns submessages S1
and S2, and message M1. Submessage S1 returns message N1. The order will be: **S1, N1, reply(S1),
S2, reply(S2), M1**.

Please keep in mind that submessage `execution` and `reply` can happen within the context of another
submessage. For example `contract-A--submessage --> contract-B--submessage --> contract-C`. Then
`contract-B` can revert the state for `contract-C` and itself by returning `Err` in the submessage
`reply`, but not revert contract-A or the entire transaction. It just ends up returning `Err` to
contract-A's `reply` function.

Note that errors are not handled with `ReplyOn::Success`, meaning, in such a case, an error will be
treated just like a normal `message` returning an error. This diagram may help explain. Imagine a
contract returned two submesssages - (a) with `ReplyOn::Success` and (b) with `ReplyOn::Error`:

| processing a) | processing b) | reply called | may overwrite result from reply | note |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| ok | ok | a) | a) | returns success |
| err | err | none | none | returns error (abort parent transaction) |
| err | ok | none | none | returns error (abort parent transaction) |
| ok | err | a)b) | a)b) | if both a) and b) overwrite, only b) will be used |

## Query Semantics

Until now, we have focused on the `Response` object, which allows us to execute code in other
contracts via the actor model. That is, each contract is run sequentially, one after another, and no
nested calls are possible. This is essential to avoid reentrancy, which is when calling into another
contract can change my state while I am in the middle of a transaction.

However, there are many times we need access to information from other contracts in the middle of
processing, such as determining the contract's bank balance before sending funds. To enable this, we
have exposed the _read only_ `Querier` to enable _synchronous_ calls in the middle of the execution.
By making it read-only (and enforcing that in the VM level), we can prevent the possibility of
reentrancy, as the query cannot modify any state or execute our contract.

When we "make a query", we serialize a
[`QueryRequest` struct](
that represents all possible calls, and then pass that over FFI to the runtime, where it is
interpreted in the `x/wasm` SDK module. This is extensible with blockchain-specific custom queries
just like `CosmosMsg` accepts custom results. Also note the ability to perform raw protobuf
"Stargate" queries:

pub enum QueryRequest<C: CustomQuery> {
Stargate {
/// this is the fully qualified service path used for routing,
/// eg. custom/
path: String,
/// this is the expected protobuf message type (not any), binary encoded
data: Binary,

While this is flexible and needed encoding for the cross-language representation, this is a bit of
mouthful to generate and use when I just want to find my bank balance. To help that, we often use
which wraps a `Querier` and exposes a lot of convenience methods that just use `QueryRequest` and
`Querier.raw_query` under the hood.

You can read a longer explanation of the
[`Querier` design in our docs](

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