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ProtoGUI Plugin for BungeeCord and Velocity


  • Open chest GUIs of any size
  • 100% configurable commands
  • Completely translatable
  • Highly customisable GUIs
  • Sound support
  • Full color support (with RGB where applicable) in all content
  • Many placeholders
  • Targeted GUIs
  • Utility commands that can be used as click actions or separately

Setup tutorial

Dependencies: Protocolize is required. Please make sure you have it installed, or the plugin will fail to load. Download the latest version from either GitHub or Spigot, put it into the plugins folder of your Bungee, and you're done.

Of course, you will probably want to customize the GUIs of the plugin. For that, see the example config.yml here, and below for explanations.

Optional dependencies: PremiumVanish, LuckPerms.

Plugin configuration

Basic configuration of the plugin is saved in the config.yml file of the plugin's folder. You can apply any changes and then /protogui reload for the plugin to reload the config.


All player-visible messages of the plugin are translatable in messages.yml.


File: test.yml, where test becomes the internal id of the GUI

targeted: true # default: false; do the commands require a target attribute
aliases: # default: []; the commands that open the GUI
  - test
  - testcommand
permission: 'somepermission.test' # default: protogui.gui.<guiname>; overrides the permission required to execute the commands
size: 27 # default: 54; the size of the GUI
title: '&2Test {target}' # default: GUI <guiname>; the title of the GUI displayed on top
selfTarget: false # default: true; can the executing player and the target be the same player
requireOnlineTarget: true # default: false; does the target have to be an online player
ignoreVanished: false # default: true; are vanished players ignored from the target list. NOTE: supports PremiumVanish on Bungee side, and only works if requireOnlineTarget is true
whitelistServers: # default: [*]; the commands will only work on the servers specified below. NOTE: omit or set the first element to `*` to enable on all servers
  - server1
  - server2
blacklistServers: # default: []; the commands will not work on the servers specified below. NOTE: overrides whitelisted servers
  - server3
  - server4
placeholdersTarget: true # default: false; if the placeholders should target the {target} or the {player}. NOTE: only works with requireOnlineTarget: true
openSound: # omit to play no sound
  sound: entity_piglin_jealous # default: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO; the sound to play when opening the gui NOTE: see link below for valid sounds
  soundCategory: blocks # default: MASTER; the sound channel to play the sound on. NOTE: see link below for valid soundcategories
  volume: 0.6 # default: 1.0; the volume to play the sound at
  pitch: 1.2 # default 1.0; the pitch to play the sound at
targetBypass: true # default false; whether players with the permission <guiPermission>.bypass can not be targeted
closeable: false # default: true; whether players can press Esc to close the gui, or a command has to be executed. NOTE: see below for how to create a "close" button
notifyTarget: '{player} targeted you with a GUI' # default: ''; the message that will be sent to the target, if they are online. NOTE: omit to send no message
items: # default: []; the items in the GUI
  '13': # the slot this item will be displayed in. NOTE: see below for advanced options. Has to be a 'string', eg. '1'. The first slot is indexed 0
    type: 'cobblestone' # default: stone; the material of the item
    count: 10 # default: 1; the amount of the item
    name: '&5some item' # default: <item name>; the name of the item
    lore: # default: []; the lore of the item
      - '&5&litem'
      - '&5lore'
    enchanted: true # default: false; whether the item is glowing as enchanted
    data: '' # default: ''; set to owner:<UUID/name> or texture:<texture> to display custom heads. NOTE: only supports `player_head`
    commands: # default: []; the commands to be executed. NOTE: prefix a command with `console:` to run it as the Bungee console instead of the player
      - 'console:broadcast {target}'
      - 'list'
    clickSound: # omit to play no sound
      sound: entity_parrot_imitate_ghast # default: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO; the sound to play when opening the gui NOTE: see link below for valid sounds
      soundCategory: hostile # default: MASTER; the sound channel to play the sound on. NOTE: see link below for valid soundcatetories
      volume: 0.6 # default: 1.0; the volume to play the sound at
      pitch: 1.2 # default 1.0; the pitch to play the sound at


All commands, gui titles, item names, lores support the {player} and {target} placeholders. {player} is the player seeing the GUI, {target} is their target, if there is one.

Set the commands of an item to [''] to create a close interaction, empty commands are ignored. Omit the commands property if you don't want an item to close the GUI.

If a player does not have the permission to run the commands, you can still use the API or helper command (see below) to open the GUI for them.

Setting many owner:<UUID/name> playerheads will delay the GUI opening, so unless you need it to be dynamic, texture:<texture> is recommended.

Show the player their own head by setting the data to owner:{player}.

See the example config.yml that is auto-generated or in the repository for some GUI ideas.

You can specify multiple slots with one item, and they will be cloned.

  • Formatting examples: row1, row4even, row6odd, row2-9-17, column0+column8, row3odd+row4even+row5odd
  • You can chain multiple expressions together with commas.
  • You can select a row, a column, or a slot.
    • You can select only odd or only even slots from a row/column, or all.
  • You can add or remove a slot from the list.

Valid sound list: here Note: some sounds are mapped incorrectly, see for the fix by this plugin

Valid soundcategory list: here

You can send custom sounds with custom:<soundName>.

Expressions are evaluated in order


This should say 6. If there are any config changes, the value will be incremented. The conversion process should be automatic, unless the release notes say otherwise.


The plugin registers the command /protogui with many subcommands that contain useful utility functions. A list of these will be added here shortly. You can view them in-game with instructions on how to use each.


All messages support the placeholders in the table below. The API can be used to register additional placeholders.

Placeholder Description
%protogui% ProtoGUI information
%guicount% Number of loaded GUIs in ProtoGUI
%placeholdercount% Number of placeholders registered in ProtoGUI
%ram_used% Amount of RAM used by the proxy
%ram_total% Total RAM allocated by the proxy
%proxyname% The name of the proxy
%proxyversion% The version of the proxy
%plugincount% Number of plugins loaded
%servercount% Number of servers proxied
%online% Total number of players online
%online_visible% Number of players online that are not vanished (PV required)
%max% Maximum number of online players
%name% Player name
%uuid% Player UUID
%displayname% Player displayname
%locale% The locale used by the player
%version% The game version used by the player
%ping% Latest ping measurement of the player
%vanished% Whether the player is vanished or not
%servername% The name of the server the player is connected to
%servermotd% The MOTD of the server the player is connected to
%luckperms_friendlyname% The friendly name of the player as set in LP (LP required)
%luckperms_prefix% The prefix of the player (LP required)
%luckperms_suffix% The suffix of the player (LP required)
%luckperms_group% The primary group of the player (LP required)
%is_online@<servername>% Whether the server is online or not (Updates every 5 seconds)
%status@<servername>% Returns Online / Offline based on the last ping (Updates every 5 seconds)
%online@<servername>% Number of players connected to a server (Updates every 5 seconds)
%online_visible@<servername>% Number of players not vanished connected to a server (Updates every 5 seconds, PV required)
%max@<servername>% Maximum number of players connected to a server (Updates every 5 seconds)
%version@<servername>% Game version of a server (Updates every 5 seconds)
%name@<servername>% Name of a server (Updates every 5 seconds)
%motd@<servername>% MOTD of a server (Updates every 5 seconds)
%plugin_description@<pluginname>% The description of a plugin
%plugin_version@<pluginname>% The version of a plugin
%plugin_main@<pluginname>% The main class of a plugin
%plugin_author@<pluginname>% The author of a plugin
%plugin_depends@<pluginname>% The dependencies of a plugin
%plugin_softdepends@<pluginname>% The soft-dependencies of a plugin


The default permission to open a GUI is protogui.gui.<guiname>. You can override this in the config of each GUI. The permission for each of the utility commands is protogui.command.<command>. You can see the complete list in-game by typing /pgui.

API Usage

As the plugin was previously called BungeeGUI, the old API class had a different package, which is now deprecated, but bridging is provided for a smooth transition until a future version. The old API class is now deprecated.

ProtoGUI provides an API which you can use to open and close GUIs for players and more. You can obtain the API instance with ProtoGuiAPI.getInstance().

All available methods have JavaDocs provided in Click here to see the available methods and how to use them.

Usage with Gradle:

maven { url '' }

implementation 'com.danifoldi:ProtoGUI:2.4.1'

Usage with Maven: use Gradle.


I developed this plugin in my free time. Please use the Issues page on GitHub (linked above) if you believe you found a bug, or would like a new feature added. I cannot guarantee any form of support, or any updates.

What I can guarantee however, is that leaving a 1* review won't get you far. Please be kind, and I will do my best to help you.

License, terms

The plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 license. check here

For non-coders:

  • don't claim the plugin as yours
  • don't sell the plugin
  • decompile the plugin, I don't care, it's opensource

You can view the source code at the link above, contributions and pull requests are welcome.