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#29: first version of B-EM and SB-EM
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DoHaiSon committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent 8e61977 commit 0a69fdc
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Showing 41 changed files with 1,671 additions and 6 deletions.
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Blind/EM/B_EM_Nonlinear_MIMO.m
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function Err = B_EM_Nonlinear_MIMO(Op, SNR_i, Output_type)

%% Blind Expectation-Maximization for Non-linear MIMO communications
%% Input:
% + 1. Ns: number of sample data
% + 2. Nt: number of transmit antennas
% + 3. Nr: number of receive antennas
% + 4. M: length of the channel
% + 5. Ch_type: type of the channel (real, complex,
% user' input
% + 6. Mod_type: type of modulation (All)
% + 7. Threshold: threshold of EM algorithm
% + 8. Np: number of pilot symbols
% + 9. N_iter_max: number of maximum iterations EM
% + 10. SNR_i: signal noise ratio
% + 11. Output_type: SER / BER / MSE Channel
%% Output:
% + 1. Err: SER / BER / MSE Channel
%% Algorithm:
% Step 1: Initialize variables
% Step 2: Return
% Ref: Ouahbi Rekik, Karim Abed-Meraim, Mohamed Nait-Meziane,
% Anissa Mokraoui, and Nguyen Linh Trung, "Maximum likelihood
% based identification for nonlinear multichannel communications
% systems," Signal Processing, vol. 189, p. 108297, Dec. 2021.
%% Require R2006A

% Author: Ouahbi Rekik, L2TI, UR 3043, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France

% Adapted for InSI by Do Hai Son, 1-Aug-2023
% InSI: A MatLab Toolbox for Informed System Identification in
% Wireless Communications
% Project: NAFOSTED 01/2019/TN on Informed System Identification
% PI: Nguyen Linh Trung, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
% Co-PI: Karim Abed-Meraim, Université d’Orléans, France

% Initialize variables
Ns = Op{1}; % number of sig sequences
Nt = Op{2}; % number of transmit antennas
Nr = Op{3}; % number of receive antennas
M = Op{4}; % length of the channel
Ch_type = Op{5}; % complex
Mod_type = Op{6};
threshold = Op{7}; % threshold of EM algorithm
Np = Op{8}; % number of pilot symbols
N_iter_max= Op{9}; % number of maximum iterations EM
Np_init = Np;

% Generate input signal
modulation = {'Bin', 'QPSK', 'QAM4', 'QAM16', 'QAM64', 'QAM128', 'QAM256'};

% Generate channel
if Ch_type == 2
channels_mat = Generate_channel(Nr, Nt * 2*(M+1) - 1, Ch_type) * sqrt(2);
channels_mat = Generate_channel(Nr, Nt * 2*(M+1) - 1, Ch_type);
channels_vec = reshape(channels_mat, [], 1); % vectorize channel matrix

% Generate signals
[sig_src, data] = eval(strcat(modulation{Mod_type}, '(1000)'));
alphabet = unique(sig_src);
P = length(alphabet);
average_energy_per_symb = norm(alphabet)^2/P; % or: 2/3*(P-1);
alphabet = alphabet/sqrt(average_energy_per_symb); % normalization

%% transitions, predecessors, successors
trans1 = SB_EM_cal_trans(alphabet, Nt*(M+1));
trans2 = trans1.^2; % quadratic model
trans = [trans1; trans2];
nbr_etats = P^(Nt*M); %number of states
successors = zeros(nbr_etats,P^Nt);
predecessors = zeros(nbr_etats,P^Nt);
tableau = zeros(P^(Nt*(M+1)),2); % tableau(:,1)-->predecesseurs (i) ,tableau(:,2)-->successeurs (j)

for i=1:nbr_etats
predecessors(i,:) = SB_EM_PredecessorsMIMO( i ,P, M, Nt );
[itransPred,~] = SB_EM_FindTransitionsPredMIMO(predecessors(i,:),i,M, P, Nt );
tableau(itransPred,2) = i;

successors(i,:) = SB_EM_SuccessorsMIMO( i ,P, M, Nt );
[itransSuccess,~] = SB_EM_FindTransitionsSuccessMIMO(i,successors(i,:),M, P, Nt );
tableau(itransSuccess,1) = i;

%% Transmitted signal
S = [];
D = [];

for i = 1:Nt
[sig_src, data] = eval(strcat(modulation{Mod_type}, '(Ns + M)'));
S = [S; sig_src.'];
D = [D; data.'];
S_decim = D;
S = S/sqrt(average_energy_per_symb);

Stop1 = toeplitz(S(1,M+1:-1:1),S(1,M+1:Ns+M));
D_Stop1 = toeplitz(S_decim(1,M+1:-1:1),S_decim(1,M+1:Ns+M));

if Nt==1
S_mat = [Stop1; Stop1.^2];

D_mat = [D_Stop1; D_Stop1.^2];
Stop2 = toeplitz(S(2,M+1:-1:1),S(2,M+1:Ns+M));
S_mat = [Stop1; Stop2; Stop1.^2; Stop2.^2];

D_Stop2 = toeplitz(S_decim(2,M+1:-1:1), S_decim(2,M+1:Ns+M));
D_mat = [D_Stop1; D_Stop2; D_Stop1.^2; D_Stop2.^2];

%% Received signal
sig_cap_sans_bruit = channels_mat*S_mat;

% ... pilots
Sp = [];
Dp = [];

for i = 1:Nt
[sig_src, data] = eval(strcat(modulation{Mod_type}, '(Ns + M)'));
Sp = [Sp; sig_src.'];
Dp = [Dp; data.'];
Sp_decim = Dp;
Sp = Sp/sqrt(average_energy_per_symb);

Stop1p = toeplitz(Sp(1,M+1:-1:1),Sp(1,M+1:Np+M));
if Nt==1
Sp_mat = [Stop1p; Stop1p.^2];
Stop2p = toeplitz(Sp(2,M+1:-1:1), Sp(2,M+1:Np+M));
Sp_mat = [Stop1p; Stop2p; Stop1p.^2; Stop2p.^2];
sigp_cap_sans_bruit = channels_mat*Sp_mat;

% --- received signal strength ----------------------------------
Pr = norm(sig_cap_sans_bruit,'fro').^2/numel(sig_cap_sans_bruit);

sigmav2 = 10^((10*log10(Pr)-SNR_i)/10); % noise variance for received signal

noise = sqrt(sigmav2)*(randn(Nr,Ns) + randn(Nr,Ns)*1i)/sqrt(2);

sig_cap = sig_cap_sans_bruit + noise;
sigcap_pilot = sigp_cap_sans_bruit + noise(:,1:Np); %noisep;

%----------------- pilot-based initialization -------------------
canauxp = sig_cap(:,1:Np_init)*pinv(S_mat(:,1:Np_init));

%-------------------------- B EM -------------------------------
[probaB, ~, channels_mat_EM_B, ~] = ...
B_EM_func(sig_cap.', trans, canauxp, sigmav2, predecessors, ...
successors, tableau, N_iter_max, threshold, Nt);

%% Vectorize estimated channels
channels_vec_EM_B = reshape(channels_mat_EM_B, [],1); % h_{EM-SB} semi-blind

%% Data detection
est_src = SB_EM_min_symbol_errorMIMO(probaB, alphabet, M, Nt);

% Compute SER / BER / MSE channel
if Output_type ~= 4
Err = ER_func(D_mat(1,:).', est_src, Mod_type, Output_type);
Err = ER_func(channels_vec.', channels_vec_EM_B, Mod_type, Output_type);

55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Blind/EM/Params/B_EM_Nonlinear_MIMO_params.m
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classdef B_EM_Nonlinear_MIMO_params
%Params Summary of this class goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here

% Parameters
num_params = 9
params = {'No. samples', 'No. transmitters', 'No. receivers', 'Channel order', 'Channel type', 'Modulation', 'Threshold', 'No. pilots', 'No. iter max'}
notations = {'Ns', 'Nt', 'Nr', 'M', 'ChType', 'Mod', 'threshold', 'Np', 'N_iter_max'}
tooltips = {}
% Type of the UIControl: edit_text = 1
% popup_menu = 2
% button = 3
params_type = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
values = {100, 2, 4, 2, {'Real', 'Complex', 'Input'}, {'Binary', 'QPSK', '4-QAM', '16-QAM', '64-QAM', '128-QAM', '256-QAM'}, 0.001, 10, 20}
default_values = {100, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 0.001, 10, 20}

% Default SNR and Monte
default_Monte = 10
default_SNR = '-10:5:20'

% Output
% Type of the outputs: SER Sig = 1
% BER Sig = 2
% MSE Sig = 3
% MSE Cha = 4
outputs = [1, 2, 4]
default_output = 1

% Figure
sys_model = 'Default.png'
title = {'B-EM Non-linear MIMO'}
xlabel = {'SNR (dB)', 'SNR (dB)', 'SNR (dB)', 'SNR (dB)'}
ylabel = {'SER', 'BER', 'MSE Signal (dB)', 'MSE Channel (dB)'}
trigger = false
linewidth = 1
color = 'k'

% Triggers/Flags
has_inter = [true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false]
rect = {}
rect_position = {[150 480 100 100], [260 1130 290 100], [1470 1130 290 100], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
rect_linewidth = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
rect_color = {'b', 'g', 'r', 'b', 'r', 'g', 'g', 'b', 'b'}

% Reference website
web_url = ''

methods (Access = private)


59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Blind/EM/Params/B_EM_func.m
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% Calcul des parametres (H,sigma) par l'algorithme EM maximisant la
% vraisemblance des signaux observes.
% SYNTAXE [proba,estsigma1,estcan1]=EM(sig_cap,trans,estcan,estsigma,predess,success,nb_iter,seuil)
% sig_cap : tableau des signaux recus par les capteurs
% trans : tableau ((M+1) X P^(M+1)) des transitions
% estcan : estimee initiale des coefficients des canaux
% estsigma : estimmee initiale de la puissance du bruit
% predess : tableau des predecesseurs d'etats
% success : tableau des successeurs d'etats
% nb_iter : nbr maximal d'iterations autorise
% seuil : seuil d'arret des iterations.
% sortie:
% proba : tableau des densites de probabilites L(Y,Xt=En) a la fin des iterations.
% estsigma1 : reestimee de sigma a la fin des iterations
% estcan1 : reestimee de can a la fin des iterations
function [proba,estsigma1,estcan1,compt] = B_EM_func(sig_cap,trans,estcan,estsigma,predess,success,tableau,nb_iter,seuil,Nt)

old_vrais = -1;
test = seuil+1;
compt = 0;
M = length(estcan(1,:))/(2*Nt)-1;
Ncap = size(estcan,1);
P = (length(predess(1,:)))^(1/Nt);
T = length(sig_cap(:,1));

while(test > seuil) && (compt<nb_iter)
%%%%%%% Algorithme

tab = SB_EM_cal_tab(sig_cap,trans,estcan,estsigma);

[alpha,beta,Rho] = SB_EM_alpha_beta2(tableau,tab,M,T,Nt,P);

proba = SB_EM_cal_prob2(alpha,beta,tab,tableau,P,M,T,Nt);

new_vrais = sum(proba(:,1))/prod(Rho);
if (old_vrais>new_vrais)
error('The likelihood is diminishing!!!')

old_vrais = new_vrais;
[estsigma1,estcan1] = SB_EM_cal_sigmaH_B(proba,sig_cap,trans,Nt);

vec_new = reshape(estcan1.',Ncap*Nt*2*(M+1),1);
vec_old = reshape(estcan.',Ncap*Nt*2*(M+1),1);

test = norm(vec_new-vec_old)/norm(vec_old); %+abs(estsigma1-estsigma);

estcan = estcan1;
estsigma1 = estsigma;

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Blind/SS/Params/B_SS_params.m
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
% Parameters
num_params = 6
params = {'No. bits', 'No. channels', 'Channel order', 'Channel type', 'Modulation', 'Window length'}
params = {'No. samples', 'No. channels', 'Channel order', 'Channel type', 'Modulation', 'Window length'}
notations = {'N', 'Nr', 'ChL', 'ChType', 'Mod', 'L'}
tooltips = {}
% Type of the UIControl: edit_text = 1
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Non-blind/ZF/Params/NB_ZF_params.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
% Parameters
num_params = 6
params = {'No. bits', 'No. transmitters', 'No. receivers', 'Channel order', 'Channel type', 'Modulation'}
params = {'No. samples', 'No. transmitters', 'No. receivers', 'Channel order', 'Channel type', 'Modulation'}
notations = {'N', 'Nt', 'Nr', 'ChL', 'ChType', 'Mod'}
tooltips = {}
% Type of the UIControl: edit_text = 1
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Semi-blind/EM/Params/SB_EM_Dec2Alphabet.m
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function result = SB_EM_Dec2Alphabet( x, alphabet, M )
% this function converts the decimal "x" into its equivalent representation
% with elements of alphabet

P = length(alphabet);
mat = (dec2base(x-1,P,M))';

result = zeros(M,1);

for i = 1:M
ind = mat(i,1);
result(i,1) = alphabet(1,str2double(ind)+1);

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions Algorithms/Algo_Mode/Semi-blind/EM/Params/SB_EM_EstimeCov.m
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% script EstimeCov.m: estimation of the covariance matrix
% spatio-temporal 0 temporal lag
% Syntaxe R = EstimeCov(sig_cap,T,L,N)
% Entrees
% sig_cap = number of signal samples
% T = number of signal samples
% L = no of receivers
% N = size snapshots of each sensor ( correlation window
% Exits
% R = spatio-temporal covariance matrix (dimension LN x LN)
function R = SB_EM_EstimeCov(sig_cap,T,L,N)

%... verification of entries
if (size(sig_cap) ~= [T L])
error('Size of signals is incompatible with parameters');
%... Calculation of covariances
R = zeros(L*N);
for t=1:T-N+1

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function [Trans,y] = SB_EM_FindTransitionsPred(s1,s2,M, P )

% find the transitions vector : x(t)=s1 and x(t+1) = s2
% s1(t) ---> s1(t+1)=s2 s1 contains the predeccessors of s2

x2 =(dec2base(s2-1,P,M))';
for i=1:l
x1(:,i) =(dec2base(s1(i)-1,P,M))';

for i=1:l
x=[x [x2(1);x1(:,i)]];
%x = [x2(1);x1];
for i=1:l
for j=1:M+1
y(j,i)= str2double(x(j,i));
for i=1:l
B = sum(y(i,:).*(10.^(numel(y(i,:))-1:-1:0)));
xx = num2str(B);
Trans(1,i) = base2dec(xx,P)+1;


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