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tokens contributing

Ali Stump edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

tags: [tokens]


If you want to create and use tokens with Calcite Components you should start in Getting Started. If you want to work on global or core tokens, clone the calcite-design-system locally and find tokens in <calcite-design-system>/packages/calcite-design-tokens/src.

General questions to ask when considering contributions to Calcite Design Tokens

  1. Has the context been reviewed by design?
  2. Are there similar existing visual patterns?
  3. What visual pattern are you trying to describe?
  4. Why don't existing tokens meet the use-case?
  5. Which tier should the token be applied to?

Changes to tokens

Design token name changes are always considered breaking changes and should be tagged as such. Any questions about the tokens schema should be brought up to the Calcite team. Design token value changes at the tokens-naming-schema#global) tiers are always breaking changes due to the scale of their effect on downstream applications. If possible, changes to these tokens should be communicated out at least 1.5 breaking change cycles before update. To meet deadlines create new tokens can be namespaced under a team domain and used along-side Calcite.

Any token which will have a name or value change in a future update should be tagged with Deprecated and communicated to customers though all appropriate channels at least 1.5 breaking-change cycles ahead of the update

Contributing checklist

  1. Does the token name describe a unique design decision?
  2. Token name is approved by the Calcite team
  3. Token(s) are tested
  4. Token(s) are documented