Shimmy 1.2.0
Shimmy 1.2.0 Release Notes:
This release drops Python 3.7 support in favor of Python 3.11, updates the OpenSpiel wrapper to be fully consistent with PettingZoo including seeding and observation/action spaces, and includes some minor documentation updates. This release also fixes minor compatibility issues with Gymnasium 0.29.0 and PettingZoo 1.24.0, which is being released alongside this release.
Breaking Changes
- Python 3.7 has reached its end of life support (link), therefore, we have dropped support for it in favor of 3.11.
- Observation spaces and action spaces in OpenSpiel wrapper are now indexed by agent name, rather than agent ID, to match PettingZoo
- This brings the wrapper to fully match PettingZoo's environment format, enabling easier usage with wrappers and external training libraries
New Features and Improvements
- Python 3.11 support has been added (#100)
- Update pre-commit config to match Gymnasium (#99)
- CI now ensures proper formatting for toml and yml files, checks that shell scripts have shebangs and can be executed, etc.
Bug Fixes
- OpenSpiel wrapper: fix obs/action space, seeding, and reset config (#96)
- OpenSpiel wrapper: fix calling reset() with no seed, make obs/act spaces fully match PettingZoo (#97)
Documentation Updates
- Add badges: pre-commit, black, DOI badge from Zenodo (#95)
- Fix documentation for installing multiple extras to be correct syntax (#93)
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0