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Dread Knight edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 1 revision

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
ok i really like the idea of the emperor story, ima go with that

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
I like it too; great

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
girl or guy?

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
maybe a girl trying to impress a girl, hehe
a vicious woman using a man as her means to power

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
How bout a strong women who uses her own strength : P We gots to Targarean this thing >.<

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
could be
speaking of that, Black Sails is another show I enjoy

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
oh yeah? i havent seen that one

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
if has that woman in power part
it's a really great show, one of the best I've seen, it has action, psychology, wisdom, strategy, manipulation top notch.

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
i'll have to check it out

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
appearances, control, fear, status, legen
yeah, do so, I'm very picky about shows
it's way over GoT in many areas, but ofc, not that epic / complex / high budgeted
it has a touch of Breaking Bad and Better call Saul into it

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
the GoT books are some of the best i have ever read
i've been generally disapointed with the show since like season 3
DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
hmm, Pride description... rich people on floating islands... plot wise... it could help with the destruction of the moon, as it has Abolished, a unit capable of teleportation... the realm would be more likely to observe the moon mining operation... Abolished could teleport the Cyclopers on the moon and their passive skill actually causes them to explode gameplay wise, could be used in the story; the right would like to keep their status to pride themselves
yeah, best buddy read the books and was constantly telling me how awesome they are and how the show sucks in comparison, but they're different mediums after all... having their own pros and cons

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
so maybe envy worked with pride to destroy the base
moon base*

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
though, Abolished not really capable of teleporting a different unit, but Cycloper is able to drag a unit closer using a tractor beam, those could sort of be used together on purpose maybe, an exploit perhaps, like Abolished creating a tiny split second vortex towards the moon and Cycloper could get sucked into by using the Tractor Beam upclose
yeah, Pride observes and threatens Envy, which finds a solution, sacrificing some Cyclopers while countering the threat and Avarice's doublecrossing(edited)
Cyclopers are highly explosive level 1 units after all, not too good to have Envy over populated by them anyway xD

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
i'm saving all this to refer to later

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
the bigger the synergy between lore elements, the more legit the whole thing becomes; as long as some abilities are uncertain and prone to being changed given time
there will be more unit sets with time

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
hmmm.... what if Avarice doesnt actually betray envy. Pride just convinces envy they got a raw deal and tricks envy into getting angry enough to blow up the moon because Pride wasnt allowed to join the project?

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
yeah, that would be even better, was thinking of something along the lines
Avarice would most likely plan on betraying, but they get beaten in that race(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
Well Avarice does give Evny a not so great but better than nothing deal and Pride just has to stoke that fire

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
and would nicely define Pride, poking its tail into others afairs, causing havoc(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
Avarice – Wealth above all
The campaign follows the rise of the first Avarice Empress through bloodshed and diplomacy as she unites her faction with the goal of reaching the moon.
Spurns Pride when they try to demand a spot at the table.
Makes a treaty with the Envy Faction in order to reach her goal of a moon mining base.
Once the moon base is complete she gives Envy favorable trade options on the mined Helium 3.
Envy – What’s yours is mine
Pride, angry at being cut out of the moon deal convinces Envy that Avarice treated them poorly (which is true) and that they should have been equal partners instead of just getting a discount.
Envy approaches Avarice about a re-negation and is threatened to have its Helium 3 prices raised if they didn’t drop the subject.
Enraged at being treated like scum Envy plans to destroy the moon facility and ends up cracking the moon and raining large scale destruction down on the earth.
gots to walk my dog, brb

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
if I think about it, ideally the moon mining base would be built in Pride realm, as they're floating islands, giving them a bonus, but related to the distance from the core of Earth to the Moon, it's somewhat neglectable, as the distance is way way bigger than people usually think

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
i see the moon as the high seas so to speak
no laws, whoever can, will(edited)

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
And it's good that Abolished can't teleport on it and bring back Helium 3 / moon dust on their own
ultimate ability of Cyclopers is Power Charge, which would boost the teleportation range of Abolisheds in order to be able to reach moon to begin with; anyway, need to check out some notes soon, I was probably planning to revamp that ability
nevermind that, it might be the already revamped ability xD
Cycloper · Issue #625 · FreezingMoon/AncientBeast
Eye Shield

Reduces frontal damage up to half.
Cannot reduce more than 25 points.

Might leave that one to a unit with shield and do this instead: block one attack each turn; health indicator would...

so there's even more balance regarding Helium 3 solo farming Abolisheds, as they won't be able to do it on their own(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
can any of the creatures get to the moon and back on their own?
without help from another faction

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
I guess not, so only combo is lvl 1 Cycloper from Envy + lvl 7 Abolished from Pride, by exploting abilities in a non obvious way

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
but that only gets a guy who explodes to the moon and not back yeah?

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
pretty much
And we could give some character the credit for figuring out the exploit
basically the Cyclopers would get damaged during the worm hole travel
causing them to explode; problem is that Abolisheds get Empowered for a one way teleportation only, so they will probably get stuck on moon or something like that, basically sacrificed as well hmm

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
hah, thats pretty intense. I'm sure they would die in the explosion

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
but perhaps just one Abolished (or a few) would get sacrificed, as more Cyclopers would go through a single worm hole at once
hmm indeed, plus the Cyclopers go in fast, so they might even materialize into that one (or few) Abolished(s)(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
the base just needs a death star like vulernability : P
like giant tanks of Helium 3

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
well, if the face of the moon is being blown away, which had the dust, the moon has a hidden side, so the mining base will become pointless basically

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
damn, thats a really good point

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
as it won't have star dust to vacuum in
or at least, it will lose efficiency massively, as the core of the moon won't have nearly as much Helium3 as the surface had
and it might not be worth mining after all, as that video said, the gains being less than the input, all being for testing purposes for now(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
well the limitation here is that the fusion reaction we create doesnt continue on its own
we need to keep feeding it
once it can sustain itself then we will have something(edited)

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
perhaps, anyway, most people don't know much about it anyway
it's a thing kind of on the same page like how laser blades from Star Wars actually work(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
well its a thing that if it was created would mean cheap clean energy for everyone
so of course no one has heard of it, where is the money?

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
I always see things double edged; unlimited power for the Average Joe is a bad thing imo
McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
how so?

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
hence why masses are being kept in the dark and Illuminaty
Average Joe or not so Average Joe will cause this game's plot basically

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
wait there is a difference between unlimited and having enough

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
building a lab in the backyard (dexter style), manufacturing killing drones, laser beams and so on xD
Power corrupts
yeah, true
but some people always want more, hence the factions and traits 😉

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
I think power is fine, humans are just easily corruptable
An AI could run the government with no prob

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
I agree, constantly thinking about such system
see this movie and tell me what you think about the ending
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)
Directed by Joseph Sargent. With Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, Gordon Pinsent, William Schallert. Thinking this will prevent war, the US government gives an impenetrable supercomputer total control over launching nuclear missiles. But what the computer does with the power is unimaginable to its creators.

nobody actually understands the real ending and what actually happens in the movie I asked best buddy the same (and he's super smart), also gave me a wrong answer, but when I told him the real scenario, he got mind blown
and it's funny that people on IMDB's forum all argue about the wrong things and nobody even comes close to the real scenario either, I'm like facepalm when I look around there

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
i'll take that challange
luckily there is a torrent with one seed for that movie : P

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
they all liked the movie, but not for it's real ingeniousity/potential/real-value
this movie is very related to what we're talking atm, hance why mentioning the gem

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
i figured : P

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
one of the most underated movies ever, worth of a remake
yet it still had good enough rating on imdb
@McLeod14 popcorn time, it's torrent app you can find most movies / shows / animes, even with subtitle; it has a few hundred seeds over there, just checked 😛
Popcorn Time
Popcorn Time - Watch movies and TV shows instantly
Skip the downloads! Watch the best movies and TV shows on Popcorn Time instantly in HD, with subtitles, for free! Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.

I rated the movie a 9
McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
hmm... i've heard of it but i always was a bit nervous about it(edited)
DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
you should, it's been forked quite a few times and not all versions are trust worthy(edited)
I linked you to the proper one

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
well cool

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
@McLeod14 regarding Red Dwarf, I see it's uber long; you started watching it since which season?

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
I watched it growing up
I have the whole show on my hard drive
DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
geez, kinda hard getting into uber long shows, like Simpsons or Dr. Who... at least Simpsons is cartoon and more consistent visually(edited)

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
yeah well its episodic you dont really have to watch them in order
its just a comedy show
might be hard to get into if you didnt watch it growing up
its pretty old

DreadKnight - 06/22/2017
it's fine age wise, about 20 years old
I think it might be something I would enjoy, anyway, will try it from beginning

McLeod14 - 06/22/2017
let me know what you think

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