Dashboard client and webserver for GRiSP boards.
The dashboard webserver runs on Elixir. Install instructions can be found here: https://elixir-lang.org/install.html
After installing Elixir, go in the root directory and run the following command: mix deps.get
The client part of the dashboard uses ReactJS for the frontend framework.
To run the client, you will need to install NodeJS (https://nodejs.org/en/) and npm. Note: npm is installed by default with NodeJS.
Next, go the client/
directory and run npm install
To start the dashboard, follow the instructions below.
Start the webserver as an Erlang distributed node, by running iex --sname my_node_name --cookie MyCookie -S mix
To run the client, go to client/
and do the following command: npm run web
You can now access the dashboard at http://localhost:8080
The client runs on port 8080. The webserver runs on port 8081.
The client comes with hot-loader. A change to any of the files (html/css/js) in client/
will trigger a live-reload of the webpage you are working on.