Interface to fulfill the gernal demands of the public while ensuring their safety during the pandemic times
In this difficult day of corona pandemic the whole world is hugely affected by the ongoing state which has Affected both the mental and physical mindsets of general population . There has been panic among the people in the nation espacially after continous lock-downs announced by Government.
- Amid this crisis,large gatherings and stampedes at grocery stores totally defy the purpose of lockdown
- Social Distancing is key to staying safe and crowding at general stores exposes the people to this virus.
- The rush to daily supplies could result in furthur spread of pandemic.The problem is to prevent crowd while regular supply to all
we have decided to create a user interface in the form of website ( later on an app ) to Fulfill the demands of public while ensuring their safety. This can be used by any user to:
- Book slot for grocery shopping
- Keep rack of stocks in nearby shops
- Book home deliveries only for veterans
- Kepp Track of No. of person in the respective stores at that moment
- Generate passes to ensure the stores hassel free.
So we Come up with a great solutions to this problem
- We gives rights to the shopkeeper that he can decline any order
- We limit the Orders of user 1 at a time means until his/her first order not completed he/she cannot place another order
npm install
npm run dev
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