Resourceful Senior Front-End Engineer with 11 years of developing high-performance web apps using the latest Frontend Technologies. All of that combined with a strong business background based on my academic Bachelor's degree focused in Political Sciences and International Relationships from Commerce & Business Administration Helwan University and CO-Founding ENGPC.NET.
- Last-Mile Delivery & Logistics: RoadRunner (EG) | Bites (EG) | Supplyfied (SA).
- Chatbots & AI: BOTTER (EG, SA) | Cybertron International Inc. (US).
- Fintech: Bankynote (EG, SA, AE).
- Food Ordering: Bites (EG) | Zumra Food (EG).
- Ecommerce: Cybertron International Inc. (US) | Zumra Food (EG).
- ERP Systems: IN3 (EG).
- PC Hardware: Cybertron International Inc. (US).
- Technical Consultancy Services: Q Go Travel (KW)
Cybertron International Inc.: Built website frontend including a smart configurator to enable the user to pick compatible PC parts and guide the customer through the process of building a custom Gaming PC by suggesting PC parts and warn about potential bottleneck ones.
RoadRunner: Built the management dashboard and the driver's live tracking system using Google Maps APIs, Vue.js, and
Bites: Built the system management dashboard and the live order management dashboards.
BOTTER: Led and guided the frontend team while revamping the management dashboard, creating the smart bot flow builder, and the bot chat widget architecture, and continuously reviewed projects' performance to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
Zumra Food: Led and guided the frontend team while building the main E-Commerce website using Nuxt.js and continuously reviewed projects' performance to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
Bankynote: Built the main management dashboard and documents validation system.
Supplyfied: Built the MVP for a system to connect hotel and hospitality purchasers with product solutions locally and globally.
Q Go Travel: Provided technical consultancy facilitating architectural and code reviews to aid decision-making
- Simple Access Attribute-Role-Based Hybrid Access Control Library
- JSON Editor Vue Vue 2.6/2.7/3 & Nuxt 2/3 isomorphic JSON editor, viewer, formatter and validator.
- Front End Web Development Advanced - Udacity (HZKKL6GP)
- Front End Developer Nanodegree - Udacity (RKS6ERNJ)