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A VCV Rack plugin. This plugin is a collection of esoteric modules mostly focused around manipulating seeded RNG and polyphonic signals in interesting ways.


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T's Musical Tools

A collection of esoteric modules. Many are focused around deterministic RNG, and manipulating polyphonic signals in useful ways such as shuffling, sorting, joining, or selecting subsets of them. Spellbook offers a plain text, "CSV like" noitation for sequencing pitches and CVs.

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Table of Contents

  • Calendar - Output LFO-like signals based on local time and day, creating rising sawtooths synced with seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/seasons/years. Loosely inspired by Aria Salvatrice's "Arcane" module (try sampling Calendar as your RNG seed source!)
  • Seed - Get 16 random numbers, with an option to provide an RNG seed.
  • Shuffle - Randomly re-order the channels of a polyphonic signal, with an option to provide an RNG seed.
  • Ouroboros - Step through the channels of a polyphonic signal as a sequence. Try using Seed as your sequence source! Maybe Shuffle it every two bars?
  • Append - Combine the channels of up to 16 mono or polyphonic cables (i.e. append the multiple lists together into one big list; up to a total internal buffer of 128 channels), then output a 1 to 16 channel subset of them, with CV controls for width and starting point.
  • Stats - Get statistical measures like mean, median, mode, product, etc. of the channels of a polyphonic signal.
  • Sort - Sort and select channels from a polyphonic input using other CV inputs, similar to Excel functions like RANK(), FILTER(), UNIQUE(), and more.
  • Spellbook - Plain text "CSV like" sequencing of CVs/pitches with a broad variety of accepted formats; such as pitch names, MIDI note numbers, semitones, Hertz, etc. Write sequences in rows and columns like a spreadsheet!
  • Sight - A scope where time slows down over the width of the scope, letting you see a signal over different timescales simultaneously.



Shuffles the channels of an incoming polyphonic signal and outputs the re-ordered signal. The module allows you to control the number of output channels and provides a trigger input to initiate the shuffle. The shuffle is deterministic, meaning that the same seed will always give the same shuffle. If no seed is provided, the module will generate and use a new (unpredictable) seed on every trigger input.

  • Polyphonic input and output
  • Control over the number of output channels
  • Trigger input to initiate shuffle
  • Seed input to control deterministic randomness of shuffle
  • Outputs track the inputs as they change, while retaining the current shuffle
  • Alt Mode: Allow input channels to potentially be selected multiple times in the output

Inputs & Outputs

  • Shuffle Trigger: Triggers a shuffle of the polyphonic voltages, according to the current Seed.
  • Poly In (optional): Polyphonic signal to be shuffled. If no cable is connected, a one-octave chromatic scale will be used as the default input.
  • Seed (optional): Provide a random seed for the shuffle. The same seed will always gives the same shuffle. If no cable is connected, a new (unpredictable) seed will be generated on every trigger input.
  • Number of Output Channels (optional) - Controls the number of output channels: one channel at 0 volts, half the input channels at 5 volts, all input channels at 10 volts. If no cable is connected, all input channels will be used.
  • Poly Out: Re-ordered polyphonic channels.



Calendar generates a set of very slow LFO-like signals representing the progress through various various time/calendar units. The module outputs voltages ranging from 0 to 10V, where each voltage corresponds to the current "progress" through the respective time unit.

  • Ramps, triggers, and gates for seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters, and years
  • Voltages range from 0 to 10V
  • Alt Mode: Use UTC time instead of Local time.


Each time unit has a row of five outputs:

  • Linear Ramp: This output is a smooth, continuous voltage ranging from 0 to 10V. It is calculated by taking the current progress (a value between 0 and 1) of the time unit and scaling it by a factor of 10. As the progress of the time unit increases, the output voltage increases linearly.
  • Stepped Ramp: This output is a stepped version of the smooth output. It divides the progress into equal intervals based on how that time unit is traditionally subdivided. This output can be useful for leaning into the nature of using times and dates in a patch.
    • Second: Four steps
    • Minute: 60 steps (i.e. seconds)
    • Hour: 60 steps (i.e. minutes)
    • Day: 24 steps (i.e. hours)
    • Week: 7 steps (i.e. days)
    • Month: 4 steps (i.e. weeks)
    • Quarter: 3 steps (i.e. months)
    • Year: 12 steps (i.e. months)
  • Trigger: This output sends a 10V trigger signal for 1ms at the beginning of each time unit cycle. This output is useful for triggering events or resets at the start of each time unit.
  • Gate: This output provides a 10V gate signal for the first half of the time unit cycle and 0V for the second half. The gate is active (10V) when the progress is less than 0.5 (50% of the time unit) and inactive (0V) otherwise. This output can be used to create sustained events or behaviors during the first half of each time unit cycle.
  • Inverse Gate: This output is the inverse of the gate output. It provides a 0V signal for the first half of the time unit cycle and a 10V signal for the second half. The reverse gate is active (10V) when the progress is greater than or equal to 0.5 (50% of the time unit) and inactive (0V) otherwise. This output can be used to create sustained events or behaviors during the second half of each time unit cycle.



Seed is a random voltage generator with 16 outputs and a polyphonic output, providing random values based on a given input voltage as the seed. When the input seed changes, the module generates 16 random numbers normalized between 0.0V and 10.0V. These random values are output individually across the 16 numbered outputs and as a polyphonic signal through the polyphonic output.

  • 16 individual random voltage outputs
  • Polyphonic output with 16 channels
  • Random voltage generation based on the input seed
  • Regenerates random values only when the seed changes
  • Alt Mode: Snap outputs to 0v or 10v - useful for generating a gate pattern.

Inputs and Outputs

  • Seed: Input voltage used as the seed for random number generation. If no input is connected, initializes to a random seed.
  • Poly Out: Polyphonic output with 16 channels containing random voltages.
  • Out 1 - Out 16: Individual outputs for each of the 16 random voltages generated.



Ouroboros steps through polyphonic channels to turn it into a sequence.

  • Step through a polyphonic signal as a monophonic sequence
  • CV controlled sequence length
  • Reset and Clock inputs for precise control over sequence timing
  • Alt Mode: Output the average of current and next step

Inputs and Outputs

  • Poly Input: A polyphonic input for connecting the source polyphonic signal to step through.
  • Clock: An input for connecting an external clock source to control the stepping through the sequence.
  • Reset: An input for connecting a reset trigger signal to reset the sequence to the first step. Uses Grids style: if Clock is low, arm the Reset for next Clock. If Clock is high, Reset immediately.
  • Length: An input for controlling the sequence length using an external CV signal (0V: one step, 10V: all steps).
  • Out: An output for the resulting monophonic sequence.



Takes multiple mono or poly input signals and combines them into a single polyphonic output with a selectable range of channels. Control the output width and rotation to create a customizable polyphonic subset of voltages from the input signals.

  1. Connect up to 16 signals to the input jacks (Signal 1 to Signal 16). The module collects all channels from all connected signals into an internal buffer, in input order.
  2. Use the Width input to control the number of channels in the output. The range goes from 1 channel up to the total number of connected input channels (or 16, whichever is lower). A 0V signal corresponds to a 1-channel output, and a 10V signal corresponds to the maximum number of channels.
  3. Use the Rotation input to control the starting point of the output channels. A 0V signal corresponds to the first channel from the first input signal, and a 10V signal corresponds to the last channel from the last input signal.
  4. Connect the Poly Out output to the desired destination. The module will output a polyphonic subset of voltages from the inputs, as specified by the Width and Rotation controls.

Inputs and Outputs

  • Signal 1-16 Inputs: Connect up to 16 mono or poly input signals.
  • Width: Control voltage input to set the output width (number of channels).
  • Rotation: Control voltage input to set the output starting point.
  • Out: The polyphonic output containing the selected voltages from the input signals.



A real-time, logarithmic scope. Time is shown non-linearly, letting you see a both short term and long term structures in the signal. Less precise than a normal scope; this is intended to just "keep an eye" on a signal and form an intuition for what it's up to. Scope range is -10 to +10.

Inputs / Outputs

  • Voltage Input: Connect any voltage source to this input to display its waveform on the scope.



Spellbook is a module to sequence pitch and control voltage (CV) patterns in a eurorack-style environment using the plain text RhythML syntax. It has 16 outputs (and a polyphonic output which combines all of them), each of which outputs a voltage determined by the corresponding column in RhythML-formatted text input.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Step Forward: Advances to the next step in the sequence on the rising edge of a trigger.

  • Step Backward: Advances to the prior step in the sequence on the rising edge of a trigger.

  • Reset Input: Resets the sequence to the first step on the rising edge of the input signal.

  • Index Input: Set the current step to a specific index, where 0v is the first step through to 10v for the last step, like a Phasor

  • Index Mode Toggle: Toggle the Index to "absolute address" mode, where 1v is step one, 2v is step two, etc.

  • Poly Out: Outputs the values from the first 16 columns as channels of a polyphonic signal.

  • Out 1 - Out 16: Individual outputs for the first 16 columns specified in the RhythML sequence.

  • Relative Index Out: Outputs the current step as 0v = step 1, through to 10v = last step.

  • Absolute Index Out: Outputs the current step as a voltage, e.g. step 3 outputs 3.0v.

Sequencing with RhythML

Spellbook sequences are programmed using the RhythML format, a syntax to define pitch and CV patterns in plain text as comma separated values. Each line in the text input represents a sequence step, typically triggered sequentially by the "Step Forward" input. Values in the "cells" are parsed to determine what voltage to output for each column in the current step.


Voltages and Gates

  • Decimal Voltages: Directly specify voltage outputs by writing decimal numbers.
  • Percentages: Numbers ending in % (e.g. 50% or 12.5%), are translated so that 0% = 0.0v and 100% = 10.0v.
  • Gate and Trigger Commands: Shorthand keywords for rhythmic outputs:
    • X or _ for a gate-with-retrigger (guarantees a rising edge)
    • T or ^ for a 1ms trigger pulse (guarantees a rising edge)
    • W or | for a full-width gate (no rising edge)

Pitch Representations These are all parsed and translated into 1v/Octave. Decimals are allowed for all of them, but microtones may not be supported by all things you send those signals to. Case is NOT sensitive. Errors and undefined values become 0v.

  • Scientific Pitch Names: Specify pitches by name, accidental(s), and octave (e.g., C4, G#3, Ab4, C##4). C4 and C = 0v.
  • MIDI numbers: Numbers prefixed with m (e.g. m60) are parsed as MIDI note numbers. m60 = 0v.
  • Semitones: Numbers prefixed with s (e.g. s7) are parsed as semitones relative to C4. s0 = 0v.
  • Cents: Numbers ending with ct are parsed as cents relative to C4. 0ct = 0v.
  • Hertz: Numbers ending with Hz are parsed as frequencies. 261.63Hz = 0v.

Refer to RhythML Syntax Specification for comprehensive guidelines on the syntax.

Usage Example

Here's a simple RhythML sequence to get started:

E4 ? Pitch, X ? Gate, 100% ? Velocity
C5        , X       , 80%
D5        , X       , 60%
B4        , X       , 50%

In this example, each step sets a pitch in column one, uses column two for gating, and controls a velocity CV in column three. The sequence plays a C major arpeggio, gradually lowering the velocity on each note. The labels, like ? Pitch, are ignored by the parser because they are comments starting with ?. NOTE: There is NO "header row"! Comments can be in any cell of any row. By convention, comments in row 1 are the "column labels".

Here's the same arpeggio, but with a little more rhythmic variation:

E4 ? Pitch, X ? Gate, 100% ? Velocity
          , |       , 
          , |       , 
C5        , X       , 80%
D5        , X       , 60%
          ,         , 
B4        , X       , 50%
          ,         , 

This pattern seamlessly holds the first note over three steps by using consecutive | "full-width gates", using X Retriggers to ensure a new rising edge when notes begin (i.e even directly after a full width gate).

Syncing Multiple Spellbooks

The second pattern above is twice as many steps as before, so to play both sequences over the same duration, there are three basic approaches:

  • "Clock" them differently: step the longer one forward at twice the speed, because it is twice the length, and Reset them to sync them up.
  • Use the Index input, in Relative mode, to sync them to the same external LFO/Phasor. This approach lets the two sequences by any length you want, and still play over the exact same duration; useful for polyrhythms and polymeters, for example.
  • Index one of the them to the Relative Index Output of the other. Note that the Relative Index Output is stochastic, not a smooth sawtooth/phasor, so you'll get exactly one step from the "following" Spellbook for each step of the "driving" Spellbook.
    • For example, if you sync a Spellbook containing the longer sequence above to another Spellbook containing the short one, it will get four index voltages from the short one (one for each step), resulting in it skipping to every other step in its own sequence.

Watch a brief demonstration here:

YouTube Demo

Controls and Hotkeys

The Spellbook module offers a variety of hotkeys and controls for managing its interface and functionality effectively. Here is a comprehensive list of controls and hotkeys available for the Spellbook module:

Text Field Behavior:

  • Click the text to enter "editing mode". You'll see the text cursor when focused. The prior sequence will continue playing "in the background", unchanged, as you edit, until you "commit" a new one.
  • Edit your sequence, making sure to follow the syntax rules.
  • Click away to leave editing mode, or press Ctrl+Enter, to "commit" the text.
  • Spellbook will trim and/or pad cells so that columns align vertically, and send the updated text to its internal buffer to be parsed.
  • The parser evaluates each cell and tries to convert it into an appropriate output voltage. Errors default to 0 volts.
  • It tries to stay on the same "current step" if it can, but will modulo the current step into the new sequence length.

Special Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+Enter: Commit and parse the current text into the sequence buffer.
  • Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+]: Decreases or increases the text size, respectively.

Additional Notes:

  • Resizing: You can resize the module by dragging the right edge of the panel.
  • Autoscroll: When not in editing mode, the text field autoscrolls to keep the current step centered.
  • Scrolling: When in editing mode, you can scroll up and down using the mouse wheel, or in any direction by moving the text cursor until it touches the edge of the viewport.



Stats is a statistical function module. It computes and outputs various statistical metrics from the signals of a polyphonic input cable.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Toggle Audio Rate: By default, Stats recalculates every 10ms. Toggle this to run at audio rate, which is pretty CPU heavy.

  • Polyphonic Input: Receives the polyphonic signals to analyze.

  • Mean Output: Outputs the average voltage of the input signals.

  • Median Output: Outputs the median voltage.

  • Mode Output: Outputs the most frequent voltage(s) as a polyphonic signals.

    • If multiple modes are found, it lists all of them as a polyphonic signal.
    • If no modes are found, outputs 0.
  • Geometric Mean Output: Outputs the geometric mean of the input voltages.

  • Product Output: Outputs the product of all input voltages.

    • !!! WARNING !!! This can output extremely large voltages (e.g. quickly rises to millions of volts), take safety precautions!
  • Count Output: Outputs the number of active channels in the input as an integer voltage.

    • !!! WARNING !!! The output range can exceed 10v, counts can go from 0.0v to 16.0v.
  • Sum Output: Outputs the sum of all input voltages.

  • Ascending Output: Outputs the input voltages sorted in ascending order.

  • Distinct Output: Outputs one of each distinct voltage from the input, ignoring very close values (+/- 0.0001v) as not distinct.



Sort manipulates a polyphonic signal based on sorting criteria specified by another polyphonic input, and selectively outputs the channels based on a voltage threshold from a third input.

  • Polyphonic data sorting based on external polyphonic sort keys.
  • Channel selection based on voltage threshold.
  • Outputs multiple combinations of sorted and selected data.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Data Input: Polyphonic signal containing the data to be sorted.
  • Sort Input: Polyphonic signal that determines the order of sorting for the Data input.
  • Select Input: Polyphonic signal that determines which channels of the Data input are included in the output, based on a threshold voltage (e.g., channels with voltages above 5V are included).


  • Passthru Output: Outputs the Data input as is, without any sorting or selection.
  • Sorted Output: Outputs the Data input sorted according to the Sort input.
  • Selected Output: Outputs only the channels of the Data input that meet the threshold criteria set by the Select input.
  • Sorted and Selected Output: First sorts the Data input as per the Sort input, then applies the selection criteria from the Select input.
  • Selected and Sorted Output: First applies the selection criteria from the Select input to the Data input, then sorts the resulting channels as per the Sort input.
  • Ascending Output: Outputs the channels of the Data input sorted in ascending order based on their own values.
  • Descending Output: Outputs the channels of the Data input sorted in descending order based on their own values.


T's Musical Tools (TMT) - A collection of esoteric modules for VCV Rack, focused on manipulating RNG and polyphonic signals. Copyright (C) 2024 T

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License or the license.txt file for more details.


A VCV Rack plugin. This plugin is a collection of esoteric modules mostly focused around manipulating seeded RNG and polyphonic signals in interesting ways.








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