KFDB is a database that contains all Kinda Funny YouTube and Patreon content.
YouTube video IDs, titles, descriptions, and publish dates are pulled directly from the YouTube API. Producers, Hosts, Shows, and Channels are manually input by Jer-Pha.
Note: paid YouTube membership videos are not part of the database.
Patreon videos are pulled via RSS feed at the 10 USD tier. Only the title and date of the episode is pulled. The database does not provide access to paid content. There are some videos from patreon.com/KindaFunnyGames in the database. We no longer update new content from this Patreon page.
Note: content from higher tiers (e.g. Monthly Hangouts) is not included in the database.
Users can add operators to searches for more precise results.
- A plus sign immediately +before a word ensures that word will be in all results
- A minus sign -
beforethe word removes all results with that word - An asterisk is a wildcard, matching any words that start*, *end, or *contain* the given word
- Multi-word searches will match any of the given words, unless you add "quotation marks" around words that you want searched as a phrase
Videos, shows, channels, and hosts all have an edit button. If a user believes something is incorrect or missing, they are able to submit an edit. The only exception to this is submitting pictures. Pictures must be submitted through email by sending to info @ kfdb.app
KFDB data is available to use for free via the KFDB API. Currently, the API is open to the public and does not require an authorization token for access. Please let us know if you're using the API in your project! We would love to check it out.