Plugin based library to create window decorations.
KDecoration3 is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration frame.
The library consists of two parts:
- Decoration API for implementing a Decoration theme
- Private API to implement the backend part (e.g. from Window Manager side)
To provide a custom decoration one needs to create a plugin and provide an own implementation of KDecoration3::Decoration. For a framework to load and find the plugin it needs to be compiled with the proper json metadata. An example for such metadata (deco.json):
"KPlugin": {
"Id": "org.kde.myAweseomeDecoration",
"ServiceTypes": [
"X-KDE-ConfigModule": "kcm_name", /* comes with a configuration module */
"org.kde.kdecoration3": {
"blur": false, /* blur behind not needed */
To simplify one can use the KPluginFactory macro from the KCoreAddons framework:
The plugin needs to get installed to ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}/org.kde.kdecoration3
It is possible to provide a configuration module to tweak some aspects of the decoration. This is done by creating a plugin that provides such a configuration module.
The kcmoduleName
specifies the name of the configuration module. It needs to be installed under
so that it can be looked up.