MicroPython ESP32 based Soil Moisture Sensor Node
You can add the sm.py
library file to your MicroPython project.
The main.py
is a simple and straightforward implementation
of sm.py
for demonstration but should be replaced with your
actual project file.
For working with the files, you will need the development dependencies. These can be installed like:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Download a MicroPython for the ESP32: https://micropython.org/download/esp32/
Rename the file to esp32.bin
Connect the device and erase the flash:
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port <PORT> erase_flash
Then upload MicroPython to the device
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port <PORT> --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32.bin
The <PORT>
has to be replaced by the port where the device is connected. On Linux that
is typically something like /dev/ttyUSB0
(you can ls the /dev/tty*), on Windows its
one of the COM
, like COM3
If you run into communication errors, you can choose a slower baud rate like 115200
First, rename sm_config.json.example
to sm_config.json
and adjust the file content to your
You can use an IDE like thonny (pip install thonny
) to upload the files, or ampy
You can copy all firmware files to your board like:
ampy --port <PORT> put ./src/*
Important: That will also copy the boot.py
and main.py
over and repalce existing files!
The minimum required files are the sm.py
and its configuration in sm_config.json
You can add (or upgrade) them like:
ampy put --port <PORT> put src/sm.py
ampy put --port <PORT> put src/sm_config.json