The main goal is to define State-Aware RML (StARML?) rules that are able to produce versioned and state-labeled entities (i.e. created, updated, deleted) entities. With the help of team 3, the produced versioned entities should be streamed into an LDES server (e.g., ldes-solid-server or VSDS-LDESServer4J) through a connector-architecture workflow.
- Have Java and the RML mapper (v6.3.0)
Download RML mapper
Run the mapper with example data
java -jar rmlmapper-6.3.0-r371-all.jar -m ./module1/mapping.ttl
Now you can find the generated LDES in the file: out-buienradar-change-observations-change.nq
Running again leads to the file being empty as no new measurements are created
If we want to start over again and remove the state, just remove it in the /tmp
rm /tmp/kmi_sensor*
See other branch (generate), still needs to be merged
See the module 2 directory
See the documentation in m3.