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Nextjs template

A NextJS template with Prisma, variety of utility functions, and more.

How to start developing

  1. Install a postgresql docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  • Optional: Install pgadmin: docker run -p 5050:5050 -e 'PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT=5050' -e '[email protected]' -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin' -d --name pgadmin4 dpage/pgadmin4 Then use to access database at host
  1. Create .env file which has got all the fields from src/config.mjs. If you want to disable some of the OAuth providers you can do it first. DATABASE_URL should be Prisma connection URL
  2. pnpm install
  3. pnpm exec prisma db push
  4. pnpm dev
  5. Go to localhost:3000 to see server running


How to add additional OAuth methods

Familiarize yourself with how the existing OAuth methods work. On high level process goes like this.

  1. Redirect user to GET /login/:provider

  2. This use OAuth provider adapter (preferably from arctic) to redirect user to Oauth2 provder consent screen. Remember to add email to scope.

  3. Provider should redirect user back to our service into GET /login/:provider/callback

  4. Validate input parameters and possible additional cookies set in GET /login/:provider

  5. Validate authorization code with provider adapter (preferably from arctic)

  6. Get user data from OAuth provider

  7. Check if user email already exists in users table. If it does add new OAuth provider into existing account. If not, create a new user account

  8. Finally create a new session

  9. Redirect user back to /

Adding new env variables

The config.mjs file serves as a configuration module for your server environment. It utilizes the zod library to enforce a schema for the environment variables, ensuring their correctness and type safety.

Step 1: Define the Schema

Open the config.mjs. Within the z.object({...}) block, add a new key-value pair for your new environment variable. The key should be the name of the variable, and the value should be the validation type from zod. For example, if you want to add a variable named NEW_VARIABLE, and it's expected to be a string, you would add:

const schema = z.object({
  NODE_ENV: z.string(),
  DATABASE_URL: z.string(),
  GITHUB_ID: z.string(),
  GITHUB_SECRET: z.string(),
  GOOGLE_ID: z.string(),
  GOOGLE_SECRET: z.string(),
  HOST: z.string(),
NEW_VARIABLE: z.string(),

Step 2: Access the New Variable in Your Application

After adding the variable to the schema, save the changes to config.mjs. You can now access this new environment variable within your application code using the config object exported from config.mjs.

import config from './config.mjs'

const newVariableValue = config.NEW_VARIABLE

Step 3: Set the Variable in Your .env File

Open your .env file and add a new line for the variable you've just added. Assign it an appropriate value according to its purpose. For example:


Protecting routes

To protect routes using the getCurrentUser method, you can utilize it app / api routes. This ensures that only authenticated users can access certain routes. Here's how you can implement it:

import { getCurrentUser } from '@/lib/auth.ts'

// Example route / template
const routeOrPage = () => {
  try {
    const { user } = await getCurrentUser()

    if (!user) {
      // Redirect or throw

    // Proceed with authenticated user

handlePrismaError for 404 errors

import { db } from '@/lib/db.ts'
import { getCurrentUser } from '@/lib/auth.ts'
import { handlePrismaError } from '@/lib/handle-prisma-error.ts'

const getUserSettings = async (userId: string) => {
  return db.userSettings.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { id: userId } })

export default function UserData() {
  const { user } = await getCurrentUser()

  if (!user) {

  const settings = await getUserSettings( // returns 404 if entity was not found

  return (

Prisma ORM utility function

Use PrismaClient singleton. It's exported as db from @/lib/db.ts

import { db } from `@/lib/db.ts`

(async () => {
  // db is PrismaClient
  const users = await db.users.findMany()

Server action utlities (wrapServerAction and ServerActionError)

It's recommended to wrap server actions with wrapServerAction. This wraps the return into object containing success: true and data. Additionally if you throw ServerActionError it returns object with success: false and corresonding error.

'server action'

import { wrapServerAction } from '@/lib/wrap-server-action'
import { ServerActionError } from '@/lib/server-action-error'

// in @/actions/example-action.ts

export const exampleAction = wrapServerAction(async (/* params */) => {
  // put your server action here

  if (/* some error */) {
    throw new ServerActionError('Error with input')

useServerAction hook

import { useServerAction } from '@/lib/use-server-action'

export default function Page() {
  const { action, loading, data, message } = useServerAction(serverAction)

  return (

Component library

Component library is located at @/components.

  • ButtonLoading - shadcn Button with loading
  • OAuth specific login buttons
  • Menu component
  • DateTimePicker component

Additionally, shadcn/ui components are in subfolder @/components/ui

Commit message linting

We use commitlint to lint commit messages and enforce conventional commits. We highly recommend you to use squash merges. If your PR contains multiple fixes or features see this


Use Shadcn/ui typography with Typography component. (Credits)

import { Typography } from '@/components/typography'

export const YourComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Typography variant="p" affects"muted">Muted paragraph</Typography>


  • Lint-staged
  • semantic-release OR release-please
  • Logging


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