Mobile app code for the project.
- React Native and Emulator
- Install JDK:
- Install Android Studio:
- Install Nodejs and NPM:,Windows.%20Create%20a%20javascript%20file%20with%20name%20nodeapp.
- Install Expo CLI:
- Beginner course for React Native with Expo CLI: This video also illustrates how to set up environment, how to run iOS/Andriod emulator, and how to debug in VSCode or Chrome.
- Connect with Webservice Follow the instruction on webservice README:
- Entry point: AppCode/App.js
- Main development code is under AppCode/app folder:
- AppCode/app/api: contains code calling webservice APIs.
- AppCode/app/assets: pictures/videos for temporary solution. These information will be hosted in Azure in the future.
- AppCode/app/components: key components for the app, such as Screen, ListItem, Button, etc.
- AppCode/app/config: configs of the app theme, such as colors and styles.
- AppCode/app/navigation: create navigations in the app, such as TabNavigation and StackNavigation.
- AppCode/app/screens: code for building up different screens for the app.