An express application which ingests the following data into Orbit:
- Active participants in Twitch stream chat
- YouTube users who leave comments on a specified channel
- Questions asked on Stackoverflow
Rename .env.example
to .env
and fill out all of the fields for the components you wish to use. The following environment variables are always required:
- ORBIT_WS - the name of your Orbit workspace
- ORBIT_KEY - an API key for your Orbit user (it is reommended that you use another user for API access)
If you don't want to use any components, just remove them from index.js
$ npm run start # spins up application
$ npm run dev # spins up app with nodemon and ngrok
If you have a paid ngrok account, add the NGROK_TOKEN
environment variable to get custom domains based on the project name in package.json
The orbit component wraps the Orbit API and allows for the addition and retrieval of activities.
const orbit = require('./orbit.js')
await orbit.addActivity({
activity: {},
member: {},
identity: {}
await orbit.getActivities('activity:type')
- No rate-limiting measures have been implemented
- orbit.getActivities() only returns the first 500 items
The twitchChat component connects to a channel's Twitch channel and adds activities the first time a user sends a message into the chat while a stream is live, and when they are banned.
When banned, the 'Banned' tag is added to the member. Mod messages are ignored.
To set up the twitchChat component:
- Generate Twitch OAuth Token
- Register a Twitch application
- Add the following environment variables:
- TWITCH_CHANNEL - the Twitch channel to watch chat for
- TWITCH_USER - your twitch username for auth
- TWITCH_USER_TOKEN - your twitch oauth token starting 'oauth:'
- TWITCH_CLIENT_ID - twitch application client id
- TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET - twitch application client secret
- An activity is added every time a message is sent, and the application swallows the Orbit error if there is a matching key (already a user message logged for this stream).
- No rate-limiting measures on the assumption 120 messages will not be sent per minute.
The youtubeComments component runs a daily cron job. On a daily schedule, all comments are retrieved from Orbit and YouTube on every video posted by a specificed channel. New comments are added as Orbit activities.
To set up the youtubeComments component:
- Register a YouTube Application and API Key
- Locate your YouTube Channel ID
- Add the following environment variables:
- YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_USERNAME - channel username to get videos from
- YOUTUBE_API_KEY - api key from step 1
- YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID - your ID from step 2
- Does not paginate the Orbit API when getting existing activities. You are limited to the first 500.
- No rate-limiting measures on the assumption 120 comments won't be ingested at the same time.
The stackoverflowQuestions component runs on a daily cron job. On a daily schedule, all questions are retrieved from Orbit and on Stackoverflow from a specified list of tags. The component then visits each question owner's profile and also grabs their Twitter & GitHub usernames, if present. New questions are added as Orbit activities.
Note that a question requires only one of these tags to be included in the results, not all.
To set up the stackoverflowQuestions component:
- Register a StackExchange App and note the app key
- Add the following environment variables:
- STACK_KEY - your app key
- STACK_TERMS - comma-separated tag list
- Does not paginate the Orbit API when getting existing activities. You are limited to the first 500.
- Only will ingest 120 questions per run. It is recommended you manually run the app a few times to backfill data 120 activities at a time.
- Does not include any answers.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we strive to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. Please check out our Code of Conduct in full.
We ❤️ contributions from everyone! Check out the Contributing Guidelines for more information.
This project is subject to the MIT License