Set of simple mathematical classes in C# including
- Vectors (with complex cases)
- Matrixes (not only square)
- Polynoms (including intergation and derivatives)
- Systems of linear equations
- Integrals methods (including Gauss-Kronrod)
- Complex numbers, complex vectors, matrixes and methods for complex functions
- Rational numbers
- Graphs
- Methods for solving simple differential equations
- Function approximation/interpolation
- Net functions methods
- Function optimization (including swarm algorithm for 1/2/n dimentions)
- Function values memorising (memoize) for parallel/non-parallel cases
I've been creating this library since 2017 for my university homework and firts job. Writing it I was practicing my C# skills from C# 3.0 to C# 7.1, getting coding experience.
There are .NET Framework version and newest supported .NET Core (named MathClassesLibrary) copy with few upgrading.
See some examples of using and results here or here
Downloading in VS:
Below you can see examples of using most used classes of this library.
Firstly load the objects and set aliases:
using MathNet.Numerics;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using МатКлассы;
using Complex = МатКлассы.Number.Complex;
using Rational = МатКлассы.Number.Rational;
var a = new Complex(1);
a.Show(); // 1
var b = new Complex(2.5, 1.5);
b.Show(); // 2,5 + 1,5i
b.Conjugate.Show(); // 2,5 - 1,5i
b.Re.Show(); // 2,5
b.Im.Show(); // 1,5
b.Abs.Show(); // 2,9154759474226504
b.Arg.Show(); // 0,5404195002705842
var c = a / b + 3 + 5.6 + a * b +
Complex.Cos(b) + Complex.Sin(a + b) + Complex.Ch(a * b * b) +
Complex.Ln(b) + Complex.Exp(a) + Complex.Expi(10);
c.Show(); // 21,099555214728547 + 23,649577072514752i
c.Round(4).Show(); // 21,0996 + 23,6496i
c.Swap.Show(); // 23,649577072514752 + 21,099555214728547i
c.Pow(3.5).Show(); // -175884,94745749474 + 34459,051603806576i
new CVectors(Complex.Radical(a + b + b * b, 7)).Show(); // (1,4101632808375018 + 0,1774107754735756i 0,7405170949635271 + 1,2131238576267886i -0,4867535672138724 + 1,3353299317700824i -1,3474888653159458 + 0,4520053315239409i -1,1935375640715047 - 0,771688502588176i -0,14082813335184957 - 1,4142851546746704i 1,0179277541521443 - 0,9918962391315406i)
Complex.ToComplex("1+2i").Show(); // 1 + 2i
Complex.ToComplex("-1 + 2,346e-5i").Show(); // -1 + 2,346e-5i
var a = new Rational(2123343454656);
a.Show(); // 2123343454656
var b = new Rational(455, 15);
b.Show(); // 91/3
b.ShowMixed(); // 30 + 1/3
(a + b).IntPart.Show(); // 2123343454686
b.FracPart.Show(); // 1/3
var c = new Rational(22.16);
c.Show(); // 554/25
Rational.ToRational(-12.46572).Show(); // -311643/25000
(b + c).ShowMixed(); // 52 + 37/75
(a / 3213443 + b * c).ShowMixed(); // 661441 + 40262377/241008225
var p1 = new Point(1, 4);
p1.Show(); // (1 , 4)
Point.Add(p1, 3).Show(); // (4 , 7)
Point.Add(p1, -1, -3).Show(); // (0 , 1)
Point.Eudistance(new Point(0.4, -2), new Point(1, 1)).Show(); // 3,059411708155671
var gen = Expendator.ThreadSafeRandomGen(100);
var points = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(s => new Point(gen.NextDouble(), gen.NextDouble())).ToArray();
Point.Center(points).Show(); // (0,6655678990602344 , 0,531635367093438)
points = Point.Points(x => Math.Sin(x) + 2 * Math.Round(x), n: 10, a: -0.2, b: 0.2);
foreach (var p in points)
//(0, 6655678990602344, 0, 531635367093438)
//(-0, 2, -0, 19866933079506122)
//(-0, 16, -0, 15931820661424598)
//(-0, 12000000000000001, -0, 11971220728891938)
//(-0, 08000000000000002, -0, 07991469396917271)
//(-0, 04000000000000001, -0, 03998933418663417)
//(0, 0)
//(0, 03999999999999998, 0, 03998933418663414)
//(0, 08000000000000002, 0, 07991469396917271)
//(0, 12, 0, 11971220728891936)
//(0, 15999999999999998, 0, 15931820661424595)
//(0, 2, 0, 19866933079506122)
var gen = Expendator.ThreadSafeRandomGen(1);
Func<double, double> f1 = Parser.GetDelegate("cos(x)+sin(x/2+4,6)*exp(-sqr(x))+abs(x)^0,05");
Func<double, double> f2 = x => Math.Cos(x) + Math.Sin(x / 2 + 4.6) * Math.Exp(-x * x) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs(x), 0.05);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var d = gen.NextDouble() * 50;
$"{f1(d)} == {f2(d)}".Show();
//2,1254805141764708 == 2,1254805141764708
//1,8237614071831993 == 1,8237614071831991
//0,9607774340933849 == 0,9607774340933849
//1,8366859282256982 == 1,8366859282256982
//1,3013656833866554 == 1,3013656833866554
Func<Complex, Complex> c1 = ParserComplex.GetDelegate("Re(z)*Im(z) + sh(z)*I + sin(z)/100");
Func<Complex, Complex> c2 = z => z.Re * z.Im + Complex.Sh(z) * Complex.I + Complex.Sin(z) / 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var d = new Complex(gen.NextDouble() * 50, gen.NextDouble() * 10);
$"{c1(d)} == {c2(d)}".Show();
// 485696399,00749403 - 1151202339,537752i == 485696398,8506223 - 1151202339,7349265i
//- 1,328008130324937E+20 + 8,291419281824573E+19i == -1,328008130324937E+20 + 8,291419281824573E+19i
// - 12609203585138,465 + 42821192159972,99i == -12609203585138,78 + 42821192159972,99i
//7270,488386388151 - 121362,61308893963i == 7270,344179063162 - 121362,52416901031i
//- 7,964336745137357E+20 + 1,3345594600169975E+21i == -7,964336745137357E+20 + 1,3345594600169975E+21i
var v = new Vectors(5);
v.Show(); // ( 0 0 0 0 0 )
v = new Vectors(5, 1.0);
v.Show(); // ( 1 1 1 1 1 )
v = new Vectors(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.5, -2, 3);
v.Show(); // ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9,5 -2 3 )
v = new Vectors(new double[] { 1, 2, 3,-3,-2,-1,0 });
v.Show(); // ( 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 )
v[6].Show(); // 0
v.EuqlidNorm.Show(); // 0,7559289460184545
v.Normalize(0, 1).Show(); // ( 0,6666666666666666 0,8333333333333333 1 0 0,16666666666666666 0,3333333333333333 0,5 )
v.Range.Show(); // 6
v.SubVector(4).Show(); // ( 1 2 3 -3 )
v.Average.Show(); // 1,7142857142857142
v.Contain(3).Show(); // True
v.Normalize(-0.5, 0.5).ToRationalStringTab().Show(); // ( 1/6 1/3 1/2 -1/2 -1/3 -1/6 0 )
var p = Vectors.Create(dim: 7, min: 0, max: 2);
p.Show(); // ( 1,4585359040647745 1,7510524201206863 1,4706563879735768 0,45403700647875667 0,022686069831252098 1,9943826524540782 0,3851787596940994 )
Vectors.Mix(v, p).Show();
// ( 1 1,4585359040647745 2 1,7510524201206863 3 1,4706563879735768 -3 0,45403700647875667 -2 0,022686069831252098 -1 1,9943826524540782 0 0,3851787596940994 )
(v + p).Show(); // ( 2,4585359040647745 3,7510524201206863 4,470656387973577 -2,5459629935212433 -1,977313930168748 0,9943826524540782 0,3851787596940994 )
(v * p).Show(); // 5,970744096674025
Vectors.CompMult(v, p).Show(); // ( 1,4585359040647745 3,5021048402413726 4,41196916392073 -1,36211101943627 -0,045372139662504196 -1,9943826524540782 0 )
(2.4*v.AbsVector - p/2).Sort.BinaryApproxSearch(1.5).Show(); // 1,4028086737729608
var v1 = new Vectors(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
var v2 = new Vectors(0, 3, 4, 3, -5);
var c = new CVectors(R: v1, I: v2);
c.Show(); // (1 2 + 3i 3 + 4i 4 + 3i 5 - 5i)
c.Re.Show(); // ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
c.Normalize.Show(); // (0,1414213562373095 0,282842712474619 + 0,42426406871192845i 0,42426406871192845 + 0,565685424949238i 0,565685424949238 + 0,42426406871192845i 0,7071067811865475 - 0,7071067811865475i)
c.Conjugate.Show(); // (1 2 - 3i 3 - 4i 4 - 3i 5 + 5i)
var b = new CVectors(new Complex[] { new Complex(1, 2), new Complex(4, 5), new Complex(4.4, 0), new Complex(), new Complex(4.5) });
(c/5 + b*(0.2-Complex.I)).Show(); // (2,4000000000000004 - 0,6i 6,2 - 2,4i 1,48 - 3,6000000000000005i 0,8 + 0,6i 1,9 - 5,5i)
var mat = new SqMatrix(new double[,] { { 1, -5 }, { -40, 0.632 } });
// 1 -5
//- 40 0,632
var i = SqMatrix.I(mat.RowCount);
//1 0
//0 1
var mat2 = mat + i * 40;
//41 -5
//-40 40,632
var inv = mat.Invertion;
//-0,003170017254524297 -0,02507925043136311
//-0,20063400345090485 - 0,0050158500862726215
(inv * mat).PrintMatrix();
//1 0
//2,7755575615628914E-17 0,9999999999999999
(inv * mat).Track.Show(); // 2
(inv * mat).CubeNorm.Show(); // 1
(inv * mat).Det.Show(); // 0,9999999999999999
mat.Solve(new Vectors(4.0, -5)).Show(); // ( 0,11271618313871837 -0,7774567633722562 )
There are also complex square matrixes, real nonsquare matrixes, real systems of linear equations and complex systems of linear equations.
RandomNumbers.NextDouble.Show(); // 0,7262432699679598
RandomNumbers.NextDouble2(min: 40, max: 50).Show(); // 48,173253595909685
RandomNumbers.NextNumber().Show(); // 1649316166
void show(NetOnDouble n) => new Vectors(n.Array).Show();
var net = new NetOnDouble(begin: -1, end: 1, count: 8); // like numpy.linspase
show(net); // ( -1 -0,7142857142857143 -0,4285714285714286 -0,1428571428571429 0,1428571428571428 0,4285714285714284 0,7142857142857142 1 )
net = new NetOnDouble(begin: -1, end: 1, step: 0.3); // like numpy.arange
show(net); // ( -1 -0,7 -0,4 -0,10000000000000009 0,19999999999999996 0,5 0,7999999999999998 )
var net2 = new NetOnDouble(net, newCount: 5);
show(net2); // ( -1 -0,6 -0,19999999999999996 0,20000000000000018 0,6000000000000001 )
Func<double, double> freal = x => (x-4 + Math.Sin(x*10)) / (1 + x * x);
double integral = FuncMethods.DefInteg.GaussKronrod.GaussKronrodSum(freal, a: -3, b: 3, n: 61, count: 5);
integral.Show(); // -9,992366179186035
Complex integ = FuncMethods.DefInteg.GaussKronrod.GaussKronrodSum(
z => (Math.Exp(-z.Abs) + Complex.Sin(z + Complex.I)) / (1 + z * z / 5),
a: new Complex(-1,-4.3), b: 3+Complex.I*2, n: 61, count: 10);
integ.Show(); // -3,325142834912312 + 10,22008333462534i
This class also supports improper integrals, double integrals and Monte-Carlo methods (for vector-functions too).
Func<double, double> f = t =>
FuncMethods.DefInteg.GaussKronrod.GaussKronrodSum(x=>Math.Exp(-(x-t).Sqr()-x*x), a: -20, b: 10, n: 61, count: 12);
var f_Memoized = new Memoize<double,double>(f, capacity: 10, concurrencyLevel: 1).Value;
var t = DateTime.Now;
void show_time()
t = DateTime.Now;
f_Memoized(2).Show(); // 0,16961762375804412
show_time(); // 842753
f_Memoized(2.5).Show(); // 0,05506678006050927
show_time(); // 8179
f_Memoized(3).Show(); // 0,013923062412768037
show_time(); // 7991
f_Memoized(2.5).Show(); // 0,05506678006050927
show_time(); // 1442
// not only real functions!
Func<(double, Complex, bool), (int, int)> c = tuple =>
var x = tuple.Item1;
var z = tuple.Item2;
var b = tuple.Item3;
if (b)
return ((int)(x + z.Re), (int)(x + z.Im));
return (0, 0);
var c_tmp = new Memoize<(double, Complex, bool), (int, int)>(c, 100, 4).Value;
Func<double, Complex, bool,(int,int)> c_Memoized = (double x, Complex z, bool b) => c_tmp((x, z, b));
There are threadsafe and nonthreadsafe implementations.
// create by coefs
var pol = new Polynom(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
pol.Show(); // 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + 1
// create by head coef and roots
pol = new Polynom(aN: 2, -1, 0, 1, 2);
pol.Show(); // 2x^4 + -4x^3 + -2x^2 + 4x^1 + -0
var points = new Point[] { new Point(1, 2), new Point(3, 4), new Point(5, 7) };
// interpolation polynom
pol = new Polynom(points);
pol.Show(); // 0,125x^2 + 0,5x^1 + 1,375
pol.Value(1).Show(); // 2
pol.Value(3).Show(); // 4
pol.Value(5).Show(); // 7
// interpolation polynom
pol = new Polynom(x => Math.Sin(x) + x, n: 6, a: -1, b: 1);
foreach (var val in new NetOnDouble(-1, 1, 12).Array)
$"pol = {pol.Value(val)} f = {Math.Sin(val)+val}".Show();
//pol = -1,841470984807902 f = -1,8414709848078965
//pol = -1,5480795026639842 f = -1,548086037891892
//pol = -1,230639272195443 f = -1,230638423911926
//pol = -0,8936010083785814 f = -0,8935994224990154
//pol = -0,5420855146782465 f = -0,5420861802628714
//pol = -0,18169222919395844 f = -0,1816930144179611
//pol = 0,18169222919395842 f = 0,1816930144179611
//pol = 0,5420855146782463 f = 0,5420861802628714
//pol = 0,8936010083785806 f = 0,8935994224990154
//pol = 1,2306392721954413 f = 1,230638423911926
//pol = 1,5480795026639818 f = 1,5480860378918924
//pol = 1,8414709848078967 f = 1,8414709848078965
// operations
var pol1 = new Polynom(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
var pol2 = new Polynom(new double[] { 2.2, 3 });
pol1.Show(); // 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + 1
pol2.Show(); // 3x^1 + 2,2
pol2.ShowRational(); // (3x^1) + 11/5
(pol1 * pol2).Show(); // 15x^5 + 23x^4 + 17,8x^3 + 12,600000000000001x^2 + 7,4x^1 + 2,2
(pol1 / 2 + pol2 * 2.8-4.66).Show(); // 2,5x^4 + 2x^3 + 1,5x^2 + 9,399999999999999x^1 + 2
var a = pol1 / pol2;
var b = pol1 % pol2;
$"{pol1} == {a*pol2+b}".Show(); // 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + 1 == 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + 1
(a, b) = Polynom.Division(pol1 - 1.5, pol2);
$"{pol1-1.5} == {a * pol2 + b}".Show(); // 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + -0,5 == 5x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x^1 + -0,5
// derivative
(pol1 | 2).Show(); // 60x^2 + 24x^1 + 6
pol2.Value(pol1).Show(); //
pol2.Value(new SqMatrix(new double[,] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } })).PrintMatrix();
//5,2 6
//9 14,2
// integration
$"{pol1.S(-3,2)} == {FuncMethods.DefInteg.GaussKronrod.MySimpleGaussKronrod(pol1.Value,-3,2,n:15)}".Show();
// 245 == 244,99999999999997
There are also splines and rational interpolation.
double rastr(double v) => v * v - 10 * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * v);
double shvel(double v) => -v * Math.Sin(Math.Sqrt(v.Abs()));
Use swarm algorithm to find global minimum of 1D-functions:
// 1D functions
var (argmin, min) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(rastr, minimum: -5, maximum: 5,eps:1e-15, countpoints: 100, maxiter: 100);
$"min = {min}, argmin = {argmin}".Show(); // min = -9,973897874017823, argmin = 0,011472797486931086
(argmin, min) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(shvel, minimum: -150, maximum: 150, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 100, maxiter: 100);
$"min = {min}, argmin = {argmin}".Show(); // min = -122,45163537317933, argmin = -126,64228803478181
// 2D functions
// u can write -func to find the maximum of function
var (argmin2, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Point p) => -shvel(p.x) - shvel(p.y),
minimum: new Point(-150, -150), maximum: new Point(150, 150), eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 300, maxiter: 200);
argmin2.Show(); // (125,85246982052922 , 133,86488312389702)
// u don't need only smooth functions!
(argmin2, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Point p) => -shvel(p.x) - shvel(p.y)+RandomNumbers.NextDouble2(-1,1),
minimum: new Point(-150, -150), maximum: new Point(150, 150), eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 500, maxiter: 200);
argmin2.Show(); // (124,97163349762559 , 126,79389473050833)
And more than 2D functions:
// u can use 3D+ functions
var (argmin3, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Vectors v) => Math.Sin(v[0]).Abs()*rastr(v[1])*shvel(v[2]).Abs()+shvel(v[3]),
minimum: new Vectors(-100, -100, -100, -50),
maximum: new Vectors(100, 50, 50, 50),
eps: 1e-15,
countpoints: 500,
maxiter: 500);
argmin3.Show(); // ( 48,37734238244593 0,09753305930644274 -60,919505648780614 46,69636117760092 )
This class also contains the bee colony method.