New: Horizontal cubic bezier lines for Line chart (through mode
New: Allow transparent color in circle hole color (Line chart)
New: circleHoleRadius
property for more control over line chart circles
New: PieChart
values outside of chart (connected with lines)
New: highlightFullBar
for highlighting all values on an x-index at once
New: Allow setting xVals
on existing Data objects
New: Allow bubble sizes to not be normalized against the dataset max
New: Added material color template
New: Flag to control whether we draw a limit line's labels
New: Exploded the Legend-Position enum to support more combinations
New: Allow drawing borders for bars in a Bar chart
Improved: Highlighting when multiple values on x-index present (bubble chart, combined chart)
Fixed: We are now taking into account the extra
offsets for Pie/Radar chart view
Fixes regarding MarkerView
Improvements to Demo, now keeping dataset styling when changin dataset size
General bugfixes
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