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Marie-Angélique Laporte edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 1 revision


  1. Ensure that all your pull requests are merged into your main (master) branch
  2. Make sure that all changes to master are committed to GitHub (git status should say that there are no modified files)
  3. Locally make sure you have the latest changes from master (git pull)
  4. Checkout a new branch (e.g. git checkout -b release-2021-01-01)

Run the release

  1. Open a command line terminal window and navigate to the src/ontology directory (cd plant-experimental-conditions-ontology/src/ontology)
  2. Run release: make prepare_release. This process can take some time.
  3. If everything went well, you should see this message: Release files are now in $(RELEASEDIR) - now you should commit, push and make a release on github.

Check the release and create a PR

  1. Open the main release (peco.owl) in you favourite development environment (i.e. Protégé) and eyeball the hierarchy. We recommend two simple checks:
  • Does the very top level of the hierarchy look ok? This means that all new terms have been imported/updated correctly.
  • Does at least one change that you know should be in this release appear? For example, a new class. This means that the release was actually based on the recent edit file.
  1. Commit your changes to the branch and make a pull request
  2. Like with every pull request, we recommend to always employ a second set of eyes when reviewing a PR!

Merge the main branch

Once your checks have passed, and your reviews are completed, you can now merge the branch into your main branch (don't forget to delete the branch afterwards - a big button will appear after the merge is finished).

Create a GitHub release

  1. Go to your releases page on GitHub by navigating to your repository, and then clicking on releases (usually on the right, for example: Then click "Draft new release"
  2. As the tag version you need to choose the date on which your ontologies were build. You can find this, for example, by looking at the pato.obo file and check the data-version: property. The date needs to be prefixed with a v, so, for example v2020-02-06.
  3. You can write whatever you want in the release title, but we typically write the date again. The description underneath should contain a concise list of changes or term additions.
  4. Click "Publish release". Done.

Note: this tutorial was inspired by the one from pato