Helps with dealing with API usage billing. Includes API usage tracking, cron like billing, then generating PDF invoices.
- Use Chronus as the job scheduler (better than Cron)
- Expose RESTful API to charge customers and to create customers.
- Be better than Licensario
- Allow exponential regression formulas for pricing with asymptotes: (this will require BC Math or precise math functions, horizontal asymptote can just be a (plus) or (minus) on the equation) Actually just allow the choice of all regression parameters, and allow submission of the formula which will be calculated and used, using a MATH DSL. It can also allow multiple regression allowing a 3 dimensional or multi dimensional pricing forumla.
- Support different payment APIs
- Support Free Usage capping on PAYG
- Allow exporting invoices and keeping track of it
- Allow custom invoice templates to be used via email templates and variable interpolation
- Allow the swallowing of tax rate and setting tax inclusive or exclusive depending on various filters
- Allow analysis!
It might be good to build this in Node.js (but you do lose on out PolyAuth, who cares? It can transfer to the PolyAuth service once that's ready.):