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Snipe-IT Docker Deployment


Host multiple instances of Snipe-IT behind a nginx reverse proxy.


Setup Your prefered Distro of Linux.
CentOS 7 was used when creating this deployment.

Install Docker, Docker-Composer. Include openssl & mod_ssl if you are making self signed certificates.

If you do use CentOS 7 its worth adding setroubleshoot & setools for easier digestion of SELinux logs.

Copy this repo into a directory on the Linux OS.

Snipe-IT Instance Setup


Rename my_assets folder to a desired name IE NSW-Service
final domain name being nsw-service.assets.contoso.local or the like.

App Key

You need to generate an app key for your snipe-it instance. run the below command it should return an app key for you to use.

docker run --rm snipe/snipe-it

You need a unique app key for each snipe-it instance you create.

Docker Network

A Docker network needs to be made for all the containers to use.

docker network create reverse_proxy

You can chang the name but, it needs to be reflected in the compose files for the nginx proxy and snipe-it app

General network Traffic flow is like below.
user <--> nginx <--> Snipe-it --> MariaDB

Environment Variables

Edit the .env file and enter in your secrets and instance specific information. Such as your APP_KEY

SSL Certificates

Under the certificates folder edit openssl_commands.txt and change the details to match your deployment I.E change my_assets.contoso.local.csr to nsw-service.assets.contoso.local.csr. Modify the csr_details.txt & extra_params.txt to match your deployment aswell.

Starting an instance

cd into the instance's folder and run.

docker-compose up -d

Stopping an instance

cd into the instance's folder and run.

docker-compose stop

Remove an instance's containers

cd into the instance's folder and run.

docker-compose down

Remove an instance along with persistant storage

cd into the instance's folder and run.

docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans

Nginx Setup

The default config assumes you are using SSL for the reverse proxy.


Any certificates that will be references in the config will need to be placed under the ssl folder which is bound to /etc/ssl within the Nginx container. copy any .keys under private and any .crt under certs

Container Name

Each server block needs to point to the internal containers name. Use the below command to list all containers on the host.

docker ps

Copy the name of the desired container and update the below sections in the server block

set $my_assets_server my_assets_snipeit_1;

proxy_pass http://$my_assets_server;

The Server block is what you would primarily edit/duplicate when modifying the config. Tweak the server block as needed.

	server {
        # Ports to listen on
		listen 443 ssl;
        # DNS Address required for this server block to match
        # You can add multiple entries seperated by a space
		server_name my_assets.contoso.local;

		#Set a variable pointing to the name of the docker container to resolve.
		set $my_assets_server my_assets_snipeit_1;		

        # SSL Certificates to present to clients
        # Make these using the commands under certificates folder under my_assets
		ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/my_assets.contoso.local.crt;
		ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/my_assets.contoso.local.key;

		location / {
			proxy_set_header HOST $host;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
			proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            # This is the address to forward clients to
            # It should be the IP & Port of the Snipe-IT Instance.
            # You can find the port in the docker-compose.yml for the instance in question.
			proxy_pass http://$my_assets_server;

Cron Snipe Backups

Three bash scripts are used to create and maintain snipe backups within the containers. These scripts are triggered by cron jobs within the host OS.

Below is just an example that could be used for one Snipe-IT instance.

# From Crontab.txt #
0 10 * * * bash /home/dockercaptain/ snipeit_container_name # Backup 10am
0 14 * * * bash /home/dockercaptain/ snipeit_container_name # Backup 10pm
0 0 1 * * bash /home/dockercaptain/ snipeit_container_name ...Path.../my_assets/backups/monthly/ # Backup monthly
0 0 1 1 * bash /home/dockercaptain/ snipeit_container_name ...Path.../my_assets/backups/yearly/ # Backup yearly

Daily backups are stored on persistant volumes on the docker containers older backups are copied onto the host.

The daily backups keep a default MAX_BACKUPS of 56.

  • This will kick off a backup task when executed.

The Monthly backups keep a default MAX_BACKUPS of 12.\

  • This Grabs the latest backup within the container and sticks it the the specified folder.

The Yearly backups keep a default MAX_BACKUPS of 100.\

  • This Grabs the latest backup within the container and sticks it the the specified folder.

The above can all be adjusted to suit your environment. Snipe-IT's scheduler by default will run an auto backup weekly.

Snipe-IT Backup Restore can be used to restore a snipe-it instance from a backup.

bash container_name path/to_your_backup

What it does?

  1. Unzips the backup in to a new directory.
  2. Checks it can find all the required files in the unzip directory
  3. Sets the snipe-it app to maintenance mode
  4. removes the contents of the uploads & private_uploads folder in the docker container
  5. Makes a directory to store the SQL Dump within the docker container
  6. Copies over the oauth keys, SQL Dump, uploads & private_uploads to the docker container
  7. Restores the SQL Database
  8. Cleansup any created directories
  9. Bring the snipe-it app out of maintenance mode


Snipe-IT Docker Compose with Nginx







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