Intended to be a Structured way to interface with Telstra's Track & Monitor API.\
It mostly focuses on devices for now.
Has classes and methods for:
- Token Management - Get/Load/save/update
- Getting Devices with specified params
Firstly you need to make up an instance of the TokenManager Class.
This Class will be used to pass the retrieved Token to other methods later
ttm_token = TelstraTrackMonitorAPI.TokenManager(
ttm_token.load_token() #Loads any token information in the save_location json file
ttm_token.update_token() # Check if the token is expired and renews if so.
Once the above is done we can actually pull some information from Track & Monitor API
with TelstraTrackMonitorAPI.Sessions(ttm_token.server,ttm_token.access_token) as TTM:
{'$filter':'not(deviceFriendlyName eq null)'}
The above method will get all devices in Track & Monitor API that have a Device Friendly name.
pip install TelstraTrackMonitorAPI