Install and configure Satellite 6 on a RHEL 6 or 7 host.
This is based on the process outlined here:
======= Invoke the role using only one of the below three include statements, in order to pass in the data required to register the system with RHN:
- hosts: satellite6
## use rhn username + password
- { role: role-satellite6-server rhn_user: my-rhn-username rhn_password: my-rhn-password }
## use rhn activation key
- { role: role-satellite6-server rhn_activationkey: some-key }
## use specific pool ids, found via "subscription-manager list --avaialable"
## This is needed when your version of Ansible uses buggy redhat_subscription module prior to PR 1204. Before that, redhat_subscription won't be able to find subs
- { role: role-satellite6-server rhn_pool_ids: ["somelongpoolid", "someotherlongpoolid"] }