A parser for the MathML XML standard.
Uses Symbolics.jl under the hood for defining equations and uses EzXML.jl for XML parsing.
MathML Specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/
using MathML, EzXML, Symbolics, AbstractTrees
xml = xml"""<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<times />
num = parse_node(xml)
# 1-element Vector{Num}:
# S1*compartment*k1
# to pretty print the tree use `print_tree`
# math
# └─ apply
# ├─ times
# ├─ ci
# ├─ ci
# └─ ci
# you can also just go directly from EzXML.Document or String
str = "<apply><power/><ci>x</ci><cn>3</cn></apply>"
# x^3
# derivatives also work!
str = """
# 12(x^2)
# there is also a macro @MathML_str to directly call `parse_str`
ml = MathML"""
# 12(x^2)
Check the tests in test/parse.jl
to see a more exaustive list of what is covered.
- calculus:
- ivars fix, make ODESystem(parse_node(readxml("lorenz.xml").root)) work
- partial derivatives
tags - integration
tags - needs JuliaSymbolics/Symbolics.jl#58- often a var like dPidt is assigned to Differential(time)(Pi) where dPidt is refered to after this <eq> (I think solution is
- often a var like dPidt is assigned to Differential(time)(Pi) where dPidt is refered to after this <eq> (I think solution is
s with no independent variable: like<apply><diff/><ci>f</ci></apply>
- nested apply
- fix sep/ tags in cn, take
attribute into account- rational, e-notation, complex, complex polar
- basic diff handling
- bound variables like bvar, might be lingering issues though
nodes sometimes needs to be ~ and sometimes needs to be =- fix
tags inci
s, taketype
attribute into account piecewise
tags: make heaviside test work- fix undefined namespacing issues JuliaIO/EzXML.jl#156
- parsers like SBML and CellMLToolkit should be handling
- to_mathml: julia expr -> mathml and Symbolics Num -> mathml. round tripping