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feat: Flip Shader ( Fixes #200 ) #318

feat: Flip Shader ( Fixes #200 )

feat: Flip Shader ( Fixes #200 ) #318

name: Build, Test, and Release obs-powershell
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: InstallScriptCop
id: InstallScriptCop
shell: pwsh
run: |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module -Name ScriptCop -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module ScriptCop -Force -PassThru
- name: InstallPSScriptAnalyzer
id: InstallPSScriptAnalyzer
shell: pwsh
run: |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -Force -PassThru
- name: InstallPSDevOps
id: InstallPSDevOps
shell: pwsh
run: |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module -Name PSDevOps -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PSDevOps -Force -PassThru
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: RunScriptCop
id: RunScriptCop
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.ModulePath = ${env:ModulePath}
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: RunScriptCop $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {param([string]$ModulePath)
Import-Module ScriptCop, PSDevOps -PassThru | Out-Host
if (-not $ModulePath) {
$orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/"
$ModulePath = ".\$moduleName.psd1"
if ($ModulePath -like '*PSDevOps*') {
Remove-Module PSDeVOps # If running ScriptCop on PSDeVOps, we need to remove the global module first.
$importedModule =Import-Module $ModulePath -Force -PassThru
$importedModule | Out-Host
$importedModule |
Test-Command |
Tee-Object -Variable scriptCopIssues |
foreach ($issue in $scriptCopIssues) {
Write-GitHubWarning -Message "$($issue.ItemWithProblem): $($issue.Problem)"
} @Parameters
- name: RunPSScriptAnalyzer
id: RunPSScriptAnalyzer
shell: pwsh
run: |
Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer, PSDevOps -PassThru | Out-Host
$invokeScriptAnalyzerSplat = @{Path='.\'}
if ($ENV:PSScriptAnalyzer_Recurse) {
$invokeScriptAnalyzerSplat.Recurse = $true
$result = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerSplat
foreach ($r in $result) {
if ('information', 'warning' -contains $r.Severity) {
Write-GitHubWarning -Message "$($r.RuleName) : $($r.Message)" -SourcePath $r.ScriptPath -LineNumber $r.Line -ColumnNumber $r.Column
elseif ($r.Severity -eq 'Error') {
Write-GitHubError -Message "$($r.RuleName) : $($r.Message)" -SourcePath $r.ScriptPath -LineNumber $r.Line -ColumnNumber $r.Column
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: InstallPester
id: InstallPester
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.PesterMaxVersion = ${env:PesterMaxVersion}
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: InstallPester $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {<#
Installs Pester
Installs Pester
# The maximum pester version. Defaults to 4.99.99.
$PesterMaxVersion = '4.99.99'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module -Name Pester -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser -MaximumVersion $PesterMaxVersion -SkipPublisherCheck -AllowClobber
Import-Module Pester -Force -PassThru -MaximumVersion $PesterMaxVersion} @Parameters
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: RunPester
id: RunPester
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.ModulePath = ${env:ModulePath}
$Parameters.PesterMaxVersion = ${env:PesterMaxVersion}
$Parameters.NoCoverage = ${env:NoCoverage}
$Parameters.NoCoverage = $parameters.NoCoverage -match 'true';
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: RunPester $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {<#
Runs Pester
Runs Pester tests after importing a PowerShell module
# The module path. If not provided, will default to the second half of the repository ID.
# The Pester max version. By default, this is pinned to 4.99.99.
$PesterMaxVersion = '4.99.99',
# If set, will not collect code coverage.
$global:ErrorActionPreference = 'continue'
$global:ProgressPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/"
if (-not $ModulePath) { $ModulePath = ".\$moduleName.psd1" }
$importedPester = Import-Module Pester -Force -PassThru -MaximumVersion $PesterMaxVersion
$importedModule = Import-Module $ModulePath -Force -PassThru
$importedPester, $importedModule | Out-Host
$codeCoverageParameters = @{
CodeCoverage = "$($importedModule | Split-Path)\*-*.ps1"
CodeCoverageOutputFile = ".\$moduleName.Coverage.xml"
if ($NoCoverage) {
$codeCoverageParameters = @{}
$result =
Invoke-Pester -PassThru -Verbose -OutputFile ".\$moduleName.TestResults.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXml @codeCoverageParameters
"::set-output name=TotalCount::$($result.TotalCount)",
"::set-output name=PassedCount::$($result.PassedCount)",
"::set-output name=FailedCount::$($result.FailedCount)" | Out-Host
if ($result.FailedCount -gt 0) {
"::debug:: $($result.FailedCount) tests failed"
foreach ($r in $result.TestResult) {
if (-not $r.Passed) {
"::error::$($r.describe, $r.context, $ -join ' ') $($r.FailureMessage)"
throw "::error:: $($result.FailedCount) tests failed"
} @Parameters
- name: PublishTestResults
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: PesterResults
path: '**.TestResults.xml'
if: ${{always()}}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ success() }}
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: TagModuleVersion
id: TagModuleVersion
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.ModulePath = ${env:ModulePath}
$Parameters.UserEmail = ${env:UserEmail}
$Parameters.UserName = ${env:UserName}
$Parameters.TagVersionFormat = ${env:TagVersionFormat}
$Parameters.TagAnnotationFormat = ${env:TagAnnotationFormat}
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: TagModuleVersion $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {param(
# The user email associated with a git commit.
# The user name associated with a git commit.
# The tag version format (default value: 'v$(imported.Version)')
# This can expand variables. $imported will contain the imported module.
$TagVersionFormat = 'v$($imported.Version)',
# The tag version format (default value: '$($imported.Name) $(imported.Version)')
# This can expand variables. $imported will contain the imported module.
$TagAnnotationFormat = '$($imported.Name) $($imported.Version)'
$gitHubEvent = if ($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) {
[IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) | ConvertFrom-Json
} else { $null }
$($gitHubEvent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
"@ | Out-Host
if (-not ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message -match "Merge Pull Request #(?<PRNumber>\d+)") -and
(-not $['inputs'])) {
"::warning::Pull Request has not merged, skipping Tagging" | Out-Host
$imported =
if (-not $ModulePath) {
$orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/"
Import-Module ".\$moduleName.psd1" -Force -PassThru -Global
} else {
Import-Module $modulePath -Force -PassThru -Global
if (-not $imported) { return }
$targetVersion =$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($TagVersionFormat)
$existingTags = git tag --list
Target Version: $targetVersion
Existing Tags:
$($existingTags -join [Environment]::NewLine)
"@ | Out-Host
$versionTagExists = $existingTags | Where-Object { $_ -match $targetVersion }
if ($versionTagExists) {
"::warning::Version $($versionTagExists)"
if (-not $UserName) { $UserName = $env:GITHUB_ACTOR }
if (-not $UserEmail) { $UserEmail = "[email protected]" }
git config --global $UserEmail
git config --global $UserName
git tag -a $targetVersion -m $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($TagAnnotationFormat)
git push origin --tags
if ($env:GITHUB_ACTOR) {
exit 0
}} @Parameters
- name: ReleaseModule
id: ReleaseModule
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.ModulePath = ${env:ModulePath}
$Parameters.UserEmail = ${env:UserEmail}
$Parameters.UserName = ${env:UserName}
$Parameters.TagVersionFormat = ${env:TagVersionFormat}
$Parameters.ReleaseNameFormat = ${env:ReleaseNameFormat}
$Parameters.ReleaseAsset = ${env:ReleaseAsset}
$Parameters.ReleaseAsset = $parameters.ReleaseAsset -split ';' -replace '^[''"]' -replace '[''"]$'
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: ReleaseModule $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {param(
# The user email associated with a git commit.
# The user name associated with a git commit.
# The tag version format (default value: 'v$(imported.Version)')
# This can expand variables. $imported will contain the imported module.
$TagVersionFormat = 'v$($imported.Version)',
# The release name format (default value: '$($imported.Name) $($imported.Version)')
$ReleaseNameFormat = '$($imported.Name) $($imported.Version)',
# Any assets to attach to the release. Can be a wildcard or file name.
$gitHubEvent = if ($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) {
[IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) | ConvertFrom-Json
} else { $null }
$($gitHubEvent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
"@ | Out-Host
if (-not ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message -match "Merge Pull Request #(?<PRNumber>\d+)") -and
(-not $['inputs'])) {
"::warning::Pull Request has not merged, skipping GitHub release" | Out-Host
$imported =
if (-not $ModulePath) {
$orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/"
Import-Module ".\$moduleName.psd1" -Force -PassThru -Global
} else {
Import-Module $modulePath -Force -PassThru -Global
if (-not $imported) { return }
$targetVersion =$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($TagVersionFormat)
$targetReleaseName = $targetVersion
$releasesURL = '${{github.repository}}/releases'
"Release URL: $releasesURL" | Out-Host
$listOfReleases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releasesURL -Method Get -Headers @{
"Accept" = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
"Authorization" = 'Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
$releaseExists = $listOfReleases | Where-Object tag_name -eq $targetVersion
if ($releaseExists) {
"::warning::Release '$($releaseExists.Name )' Already Exists" | Out-Host
$releasedIt = $releaseExists
} else {
$releasedIt = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releasesURL -Method Post -Body (
owner = '${{github.owner}}'
repo = '${{github.repository}}'
tag_name = $targetVersion
name = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($ReleaseNameFormat)
body =
if ($env:RELEASENOTES) {
} elseif ($imported.PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes) {
} else {
"$($imported.Name) $targetVersion"
draft = if ($env:RELEASEISDRAFT) { [bool]::Parse($env:RELEASEISDRAFT) } else { $false }
prerelease = if ($env:PRERELEASE) { [bool]::Parse($env:PRERELEASE) } else { $false }
} | ConvertTo-Json
) -Headers @{
"Accept" = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
"Content-type" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = 'Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
if (-not $releasedIt) {
throw "Release failed"
} else {
$releasedIt | Out-Host
$releaseUploadUrl = $releasedIt.upload_url -replace '\{.+$'
if ($ReleaseAsset) {
$fileList = Get-ChildItem -Recurse
$filesToRelease =
@(:nextFile foreach ($file in $fileList) {
foreach ($relAsset in $ReleaseAsset) {
if ($relAsset -match '[\*\?]') {
if ($file.Name -like $relAsset) {
$file; continue nextFile
} elseif ($file.Name -eq $relAsset -or $file.FullName -eq $relAsset) {
$file; continue nextFile
$releasedFiles = @{}
foreach ($file in $filesToRelease) {
if ($releasedFiles[$file.Name]) {
Write-Warning "Already attached file $($file.Name)"
} else {
$fileBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file.FullName)
$releasedFiles[$file.Name] =
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${releaseUploadUrl}?name=$($file.Name)" -Headers @{
"Accept" = "application/vnd.github+json"
"Authorization" = 'Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
} -Body $fileBytes -ContentType Application/octet-stream
"Attached $($releasedFiles.Count) file(s) to release" | Out-Host
} @Parameters
- name: PublishPowerShellGallery
id: PublishPowerShellGallery
shell: pwsh
run: |
$Parameters = @{}
$Parameters.ModulePath = ${env:ModulePath}
$Parameters.Exclude = ${env:Exclude}
$Parameters.Exclude = $parameters.Exclude -split ';' -replace '^[''"]' -replace '[''"]$'
foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) {
Write-Host "::debug:: PublishPowerShellGallery $(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {'-' + $p.Key + ' ' + $p.Value}) -join ' ')"
& {param(
$Exclude = @('*.png', '*.mp4', '*.jpg','*.jpeg', '*.gif', 'docs[/\]*')
$gitHubEvent = if ($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) {
[IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) | ConvertFrom-Json
} else { $null }
if (-not $Exclude) {
$Exclude = @('*.png', '*.mp4', '*.jpg','*.jpeg', '*.gif','docs[/\]*')
$($gitHubEvent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
"@ | Out-Host
$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
"@ | Out-Host
if (-not ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message -match "Merge Pull Request #(?<PRNumber>\d+)") -and
(-not $['inputs'])) {
"::warning::Pull Request has not merged, skipping Gallery Publish" | Out-Host
$imported =
if (-not $ModulePath) {
$orgName, $moduleName = $env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY -split "/"
Import-Module ".\$moduleName.psd1" -Force -PassThru -Global
} else {
Import-Module $modulePath -Force -PassThru -Global
if (-not $imported) { return }
$foundModule = try { Find-Module -Name $imported.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} catch {}
if ($foundModule -and (([Version]$foundModule.Version) -ge ([Version]$imported.Version))) {
"::warning::Gallery Version of $moduleName is more recent ($($foundModule.Version) >= $($imported.Version))" | Out-Host
} else {
$gk = '${{secrets.GALLERYKEY}}'
$rn = Get-Random
$moduleTempFolder = Join-Path $pwd "$rn"
$moduleTempPath = Join-Path $moduleTempFolder $moduleName
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $moduleTempPath -Force | Out-Host
Write-Host "Staging Directory: $ModuleTempPath"
$imported | Split-Path |
Get-ChildItem -Force |
Where-Object Name -NE $rn |
Copy-Item -Destination $moduleTempPath -Recurse
$moduleGitPath = Join-Path $moduleTempPath '.git'
Write-Host "Removing .git directory"
if (Test-Path $moduleGitPath) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $moduleGitPath
if ($Exclude) {
"::notice::Attempting to Exlcude $exclude" | Out-Host
Get-ChildItem $moduleTempPath -Recurse |
Where-Object {
foreach ($ex in $exclude) {
if ($_.FullName -like $ex) {
"::notice::Excluding $($_.FullName)" | Out-Host
return $true
} |
Write-Host "Module Files:"
Get-ChildItem $moduleTempPath -Recurse
Write-Host "Publishing $moduleName [$($imported.Version)] to Gallery"
Publish-Module -Path $moduleTempPath -NuGetApiKey $gk
if ($?) {
Write-Host "Published to Gallery"
} else {
Write-Host "Gallery Publish Failed"
exit 1
} @Parameters
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ success() }}
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: GitLogger
uses: GitLogging/GitLoggerAction@main
id: GitLogger
- name: Use PSSVG Action
uses: StartAutomating/PSSVG@main
- name: PipeScript
uses: StartAutomating/PipeScript@main
id: PipeScript
serial: true
- name: UseEZOut
uses: StartAutomating/EZOut@master
- name: Use GitPub Action
uses: StartAutomating/GitPub@main
id: GitPub
PublishParameters: |
"Get-GitPubIssue": {
"Repository": '${{github.repository}}'
"Get-GitPubRelease": {
"Repository": '${{github.repository}}'
"Publish-GitPubJekyll": {
"OutputPath": "docs/_posts"
- name: UseHelpOut
uses: StartAutomating/HelpOut@master