- Fix the script to generate data in sequence => older timestamps to newer timestamps. Impacts the speed of insertion
- 10 mins for for 10M records
- Add pgpool to the server to server as a cache
- Add a Express Server to read queries using an API
- Add Varnish in front on it to verify the queries
- TimescaleDB to be configured with a data retention policy
- Setup continuous aggregates
- Queries to be modified based on this doc
- Implement 7Zip as the compression algorithm @htvenkatesh
- POC on Insertion of 30M records from a CSV file (from 7Zip file) @htvenkatesh
- Log Management - Log Rotation; Log Compression; Log Forwarding; @htvenkatesh
- NVSK - Cloudflare
- Throttle based on IP - Nest applications
- Add a cache on the fronted (etags)
- Can be tracked here.
- Adapter Implemenation with the following use case
- Implement Dashlet Specification
- Auto Dashboard and Chart Creation using Metabase API and making it public
- A UI to import data and define configs
- Aggregation of Events
- Tranformers for Bulk Events management - Use Polars to do it in native JS/TS.