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Symphony API Client for .NET. This client is event based. If you are building a bot that listens to conversations, you will only have to implement an interface of a listener with the functions to handle all events that will come through the Datafeed.

Install using Package Manager

Install-Package symphony-apiclient-dotnet -Version 1.0.17	

Install using dotnet cli

dotnet add package symphony-apiclient-dotnet --version 1.0.17

Support for Symphony Elements

Elements support is added in 1.0.18, however this version of the SDK requires some code change. An example of a Program.cs is provided at the end of the README.

Configuration RSA

        "sessionAuthHost": "<podname>",
        "sessionAuthPort": 443,
        "keyAuthHost": "<podname>",
        "keyAuthPort": 443,
        "podHost": "<podname>",
        "podPort": 443,
        "agentHost": "<podname>",
        "agentPort": 443,
        "botCertPath": "",
        "botCertName": "",
        "botCertPassword": "",
        "botPrivateKeyPath": "./rsa/",
        "botPrivateKeyName": "rsa-private-dotnetDemo.pem",
        "botUsername": "dotnetDemo",
        "botEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
        "appCertPath": "",
        "appCertName": "",
        "appCertPassword": "",
		// Optional, global proxy
        "proxyURL": "",
        "proxyUsername": "",
        "proxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, session host proxy
        "sessionProxyURL": "",
        "sessionProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, key manager host proxy
        "keyProxyURL": "",
        "keyProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, pod host proxy
        "podProxyURL": "",
        "podProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, agent host proxy
        "agentProxyURL": "",
        "agentProxyPassword": "",
        "authTokenRefreshPeriod": "30",
        "truststorePath": ""

Configuration certificate

Create a config.json file in your project which includes the following properties

		"sessionAuthHost": "",
		"sessionAuthPort": 8444,
		"keyAuthHost": "",
		"keyAuthPort": 8444,
		"podHost": "",
		"podPort": 443,
		"agentHost": "",
		"agentPort": 443,
		"botCertPath": "PATH",
		"botCertName": "BOT-CERT-NAME",
		"botCertPassword": "BOT-PASSWORD",
		"botEmailAddress": "BOT-EMAIL-ADDRESS",
		"appCertPath": "",
		"appCertName": "",
		"appCertPassword": "",
		// Optional, global proxy
		"proxyURL": "",
		"proxyUsername": "",
		"proxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, session host proxy
		"sessionProxyURL": "",
		"sessionProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, key manager host proxy
		"keyProxyURL": "",
		"keyProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, pod host proxy
		"podProxyURL": "",
		"podProxyPassword": "",
		// Optional, agent host proxy
		"agentProxyURL": "",
		"agentProxyPassword": "",
		"authTokenRefreshPeriod": "30"

Proxy Settings

One Proxy

If all of the traffic to your instance of Symphony goes through a single proxy to make Pod and Session Auth calls set the folling configuration information.

      "proxyURL": "",
      "proxyUsername": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",

Two Proxies

If the traffic to your instance of Symphony is split between two proxys, one for Pod calls and a second for SessionAuth calls set the following configuration information.

Pod call proxy info:

      "proxyURL": "",
      "proxyUsername": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",

SesssionAuth proxy info:

      "sessionProxyURL": "",
      "sessionProxyUsername": "",
      "sessionProxyPassword": "",

Example Elements Program.cs

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Http;
    using apiClientDotNet;
    using apiClientDotNet.Models;
    using apiClientDotNet.Authentication;
    using apiClientDotNet.Services;
    using apiClientDotNet.Listeners;
    using apiClientDotNet.Models.Events;
    using apiClientDotNet.Clients.Constants;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using apiClientDotNet.Utils;

    public class MyIMListener : IMListener
        private SymConfig symConfig;

        public void init(SymConfig symConfig)
            this.symConfig = symConfig;

        override public void onIMMessage(Message message)
            string FirstCommand = "";
            string SearchTerm = null;
            string SearchStatus = null;

            if (message.message.Contains("/form"))
                    string fresponse = "";
                    fresponse += "<form id=\"form_id\">";
                    fresponse += "<text-field name=\"Question_Subject\" required=\"true\" placeholder=\"Ask a Question\" />";
                    fresponse += "<textarea name=\"comment\" placeholder=\"Add details (optional)\" required=\"false\"></textarea>";
                    fresponse += "<button type=\"reset\">Reset</button>";
                    fresponse += "<button name=\"submit_button\" type=\"action\">Submit</button>";
                    fresponse += "</form>";
                    sendMessage(, fresponse);

        private void sendMessage(String streamId, String messageText)
            Console.WriteLine("streamId:" + streamId);
            OutboundMessage message = new OutboundMessage();
            message.message = "<messageML>"+messageText+"</messageML>";                
            RestRequestHandler restRequestHandler = new RestRequestHandler();
            string url = "https://" + this.symConfig.agentHost + "/agent/v4/stream/" + streamId + "/message/create";
            HttpWebResponse resp = restRequestHandler.executeRequest(message, url, false, WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, symConfig, true);


    public class MyElementsActionListener : ElementsActionListener
            private SymConfig symConfig;

            public void init(SymConfig symConfig)
                    this.symConfig = symConfig;

        override public void onFormMessage(User initiator, String fstreamid, SymphonyElementsAction fform)
            string Question = "";
            string comment = "";

            foreach (var item in fform.formValues)
                if(item.Key == "Question_Subject"){ Question = item.Value.ToString();}
                if(item.Key == "comment") {comment = item.Value.ToString();}
                    Console.WriteLine("ACTION-- Question: " + Question + " , Comment: " + comment);

    namespace symphony_dotnet_bot_test
        class Program
            private static readonly String CURRENT_DIR = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            private static readonly String CONFIGFILE = CURRENT_DIR + @"/config.json";

            static void Main(string[] args)
                try {
                    SymConfigLoader symConfigLoader = new SymConfigLoader();
                    SymConfig symConfig = symConfigLoader.loadFromFile(CONFIGFILE);

                    SymBotRSAAuth symAuth = new SymBotRSAAuth(symConfig);

                    SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBot(symConfig,symAuth);

                    MyIMListener myIMListener = new MyIMListener();

                    MyElementsActionListener myElementsActionListener = new MyElementsActionListener();

                    // start listening for messages
                    DatafeedEventsService dataFeedService = botClient.getDatafeedEventsService();
                catch (Exception ex) {