Forked from micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough and modified to create single char emphasis style markers, e.g. underline. Requires mdast-util-attention.
- Create branch "attention"
- html.js:
- Parameterize gfmStrikethroughHtml to attentionHtml({mdastNodeName: str, hastNodeName: str})
- Replace tag and function names
- Syntax.js:
- Prefer using char rather than char code, char code is only needed here so convert char from charCodeAt(0)
- Parameterize gfmStrikethrough to attention({mdastNodeName: str, hastNodeName: str, char: str})
- Convert single-or-double checks to single only.
- Find all
strings and convert to constants set to relevant strings from opts
- test.js:
- Convert test cases, move fixture files into .ignore subfolder
- Run task
npm build
- Push