- Xcode 9.x
- Swift 4.x
- iPhone X Simulator/Device
To install NotchyAlert using Cocoapods, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'NotchyAlert'
To install NotchyAlert using Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "TheAbstractDev/NotchyAlert"
First, you'll need to import NotchyAlert
import NotchyAlert
let notchy = Notchy(title: "Oops!", description: nil, image: nil)
notchy.presentNotchy(in: self.view, duration: 3)
let notchy = Notchy(title: "Oops!", description: "No Internet Connection.", image: nil)
notchy.presentNotchy(in: self.view, duration: 3)
let notchy = Notchy(title: "Oops!", description: nil, image: "<YOUR IMAGE>")
notchy.presentNotchy(in: self.view, duration: 3)
let notchy = Notchy(title: "Oops!", description: "No Internet Connection.", image: "<YOUR IMAGE>")
notchy.presentNotchy(in: self.view, duration: 3)
By default, the bounce effect is true.
You can choose to disable the bounce effect by setting false on the call of presentNotchy
notchy.presentNotchy(in: self.view, duration: 3, bounce: false)
You can test it by downloading and run the Example project.
NotchyAlert is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.