This is the branch for the Romeo Golf Cohort. It is a group of students who are learning to code with a focus on frontend development. This repo is designed to house their capstone project. Romeo Golf is a pseudonym for their project: resume generator. This product will help bridge the gap between transitioning veterans and their future tech career.
- Clone down the repo
git clone
- Run local host
npm start
- Create a branch
git checkout -b issue#/task
- Add changes to staging
git add .
- Commit your changes
git commit -m "message text here"
- Push up your commits
git push
- Deploy your changes to the gh-pages branch for preview
npm run deploy
git branch
and can then check it out if you aren't in it with git checkout issue#/task
If you mistakenly push to Main/Master, don't fret...but use the below to remove that push and then ensure you push it up in a branch:
git revert commitID
The ID can be found by clicking the commit link just under the Code button dropdown, then finding your personal commit.
Once you have ran the revert command, you'll want to go back and commit that stating why you needed to revert the commit and then push it up.
This is definitely something to practice as mistakes happen all the time, and I know I have needed to do this multiple times myself.
Design: Imagined by Ken
Style Guide: Air BnB
Component Library: Radix-UI
Example Product: Simple Resume Builder
- Ayola
- Cameron
- Vanessa
- Nick
- Ryan Rose
- Kenneth