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Running rippled with Docker

Elliot Lee edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 1 revision


# Start rippled connecting to the devnet
docker run --rm --detach --name rippled_devnet rippleci/rippled:2.2.0 dev

# Check that it's ready: Complete ledgers != "empty" && Server state == "full"
docker exec rippled_devnet rippled --silent server_info | jq -r ' | "Host: \(.hostid)\nVersion: \(.build_version)\nComplete ledgers: \(.complete_ledgers)\nServer state: \(.server_state)\nUptime: \(.uptime)\n"'

It typically takes less than 2 minutes to sync with Devnet.

You can use the Devnet faucet to get some test XRP:

# Get an account with some XRP created on the network
read account seed <<< $(curl --silent -X POST | jq -j '. | .account.address," ",.seed')

# Generate new account credentials from the locally running rippled instance
read new_account new_seed <<< $(docker exec rippled_devnet rippled --silent wallet_propose  | jq -j '.result | .account_id, " ", .master_seed')

# Use that address to create a new account on the network (50 XRP)
docker exec rippled_devnet rippled --silent submit $seed '{"Account": "'$account'", "Amount": "50000000", "Destination": "'$new_account'", "TransactionType": "Payment"}'

# Look at those balances!
for account in $account $new_account; 
    docker exec rippled_devnet rippled --silent account_info $account validated | jq --raw-output '.result.account_data | "Account: \(.Account)\nBalance: \(.Balance)"'

Similar steps could be followed for other test networks such as Testnet.