What's New
FetchCode now supports retrieving package info for following packages:
- pkg:generic/barebox
- pkg:generic/e2fsprogs
- pkg:generic/erofs-utils
- pkg:generic/linux
- pkg:generic/minissdpd
- pkg:generic/miniupnpc
- pkg:generic/miniupnpd
- pkg:generic/mtd-utils
- pkg:generic/udhcp
- pkg:github/avahi/avahi
- pkg:github/bestouff/genext2fs
- pkg:github/dosfstools/dosfstools
- pkg:github/google/brotli
- pkg:github/hewlettpackard/wireless-tools
- pkg:github/inotify-tools/inotify-tools
- pkg:github/libbpf/bpftool
- pkg:github/llvm/llvm-project
- pkg:github/nixos/nix
- pkg:github/plougher/squashfs-tools
- pkg:github/pupnp/pupnp
- pkg:github/python/cpython
- pkg:github/rpm-software-management/rpm
- pkg:github/shadow-maint/shadow
- pkg:github/sqlite/sqlite
- pkg:github/u-boot/u-boot
- pkg:openssl/openssl
Also support getting package info for arbitrary GitHub repositories using this PURL format: pkg:github/{owner}/{repo-name}
Fetching package info for arbitrary GitHub repositories assumes that the tag name of the repository is a valid version.
What's Changed
- purl2sym: Add metadata support for packages hosted on GitHub by @keshav-space in #112
- purl2sym: Add metadata support for linux, mtd-utils, barebox, e2fsprogs and erofs-utils by @keshav-space in #113
- Add metadata support for openssl, udhcp by @keshav-space in #114
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0