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    title={Identifying Self-Admitted Technical Debts with Jitterbug: A Two-step Approach},
    author={Zhe Yu and Fahmid Morshed Fahid and Huy Tu and Tim Menzies},


  • Original from Maldonado and Shihab "Detecting and quantifying different types of self-admitted technical debt," in 2015 IEEE 7th InternationalWorkshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD). IEEE, 2015, pp. 9–15.
  • Corrected: 439 labels checked, 431 labels corrected.



Jitterbug$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Jitterbug$ python
>>> import nltk
Jitterbug$ cd src

RQ1: How to find the strong patterns of the "easy to find" SATDs in Step 1?

  • Prepare data:
src$ python parse
  • Find patterns with Easy (target project = apache-ant-1.7.0):
src$ python find_patterns

{'fp': 367.0, 'tp': 2493.0, 'fitness': 0.8716783216783217}
{'fp': 53.0, 'tp': 330.0, 'fitness': 0.8616187989556136}
{'fp': 7.0, 'tp': 87.0, 'fitness': 0.925531914893617}
{'fp': 3.0, 'tp': 46.0, 'fitness': 0.9387755102040817}
{'fp': 28.0, 'tp': 61.0, 'fitness': 0.6853932584269663}
[u'todo' u'fixme' u'hack' u'workaround']
Precisions on training set:
{u'fixme': 0.8616187989556136, u'todo': 0.8716783216783217, u'workaround': 0.9387755102040817, u'hack': 0.925531914893617}
src$ python Easy_results original
src$ python MAT_results original

Can the ground truth be wrong?

  • Find conflicting labels (GT=no AND Easy=yes), save as csv files under the conflicts directory:
src$ python validate_ground_truth
  • Validate the conflicting labels manually, results are under the validate directory.
  • Summarize validation results and save as validate_sum.csv:
src$ python summarize_validate
  • Correct ground truth labels with the validation results, new data saved under corrected directory:
src$ python correct_ground_truth
  • Test Easy on every target project with corrected labels, save output as step1_Easy_corrected.csv, also output the data with the "easy to find" SATDs removed to the rest directory:
src$ python Easy_results corrected
src$ python MAT_results corrected

RQ2: How to better find the "hard to find" SATDs with less human effort in Step 2?

  • Test Hard, TM, and other supervised learners on every target project with "easy to find" SATDs removed, save results (rest_*.csv) to the results directory, and dump results as rest_result.pickle:
src$ python rest_results
  • Plot recall-cost curves of Step2 experiments to figures_rest directory:
src$ python plot_recall_cost rest

When to stop Hard in Step 2?

  • Use estimator to stop at 90% recall, plot curves to figures_est directory:
src$ python estimate_results

RQ3: Overall how does Jitterbug perform?

src$ python overall_results
src$ python plot_recall_cost overall

How does Jitterbug perform when targeting at finding 90% hard to find SATDs?

Collect precision, recall, F1, and cost results of Jitterbug on the original dataset. Save results as stopping_0.9_original.csv.

src$ python stopping_results original

Collect precision, recall, F1, and cost results of Jitterbug on the corrected dataset. Save results as stopping_0.9_corrected.csv.

src$ python stopping_results corrected

Apply Jitterbug to identify SATDs in a new project

src$ python apply_Jitterbug
  • It will first train on the corrected 10 projects to find the patterns (Easy), then extract the "easy-to-find" SATDs as httpd_easy.csv. The rest of the comments will be output as httpd_rest.csv.
  • Then it will execute Hard, pause at a breakpoint, output a csv file called httpd_query.csv for the user to inspect and label. The example httpd_query.csv is shown below, the user should edit the column of "code" based on the comments in the column of "Abstract": "yes" if the comment is an SATD, "no" otherwise.
  • After labeling the httpd_query.csv file, the user should continue the execution by input:
(Pdb) c
  • Jitterbug will load the labeled httpd_query.csv file and retrain its internal model to make better predictions for the "hard-to-find" SATDs. It will pause again at the breakpoint and output a new httpd_query.csv for the user to label. Current status will also be shown as # SATDs found / # comments inspected / # estimated SATDs:
  • This process iterates until # SATDs found >= target recall (e.g. 90%) * # estimated SATDs.
  • Below shows the first five iterations:
  • Once stopped, the labeled SATDs can be found in httpd_rest_coded.csv.