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This is a simple deployment of wordpress on EKS with terraform


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This repo contains a working example of deploying an application on AWS EKS with managed node group. The project is structured to allow multiple environments.


  • tfswicth (or Terraform 0.12.24)
  • wget
  • kubectl
  • Helm 3
  • awscli installed and configured
  • AWS account

How to build it

The core infrastructure is written in terraform and all the code is under the terraform directory. The prod directory containes the live code. EVery module can be customized by editing the file.

To install the proper version of terraform:

cd terraform

There's a logical dependency among modules and as such you should build the following modules first and in the following particular order.

  1. terraform/prod/tfstate
  2. terraform/prod/network
  3. terraform/prod/eks

The remaining modules can be applied in any order.

The tfstate module contains the resources that host the terraform state. As usual the s3 backed code in the file should be commented out the first time you run ''terraform init''.

Once the terraform has being applied you can start deploying applications on the k8s cluster by issueing this command:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name wponeks-prod

A sample wordpress application is in the application folder.

The application leverage the docker image in the application/docker/wordpress directory. The application/helm directory contains all the necessary resources to actually deploy the application on k8s.

You can build the image with the following commands:

cd application/docker/wordpress
docker build -t wponeks-prod-wordpress .
docker tag wponeks-prod-wordpress
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker push

where is your ecr repository.

Once the image is available in the repository you can install the helm chart simply by:

cd application/helm/mywp
helm install mywp .

Tweak the parameters in application/helm/mywp/template/values.yaml or ovveride it on the command line to suit your needs.


The infrastructure is composed by a vpc with 6 subents: 2 public, 2 private, 2 database. Each subnet is in a different AZ. The EKS cluster is composed by two managed node groups, each one in its own availability zone.

To support the application, a multi AZ RDS instance, an ECR repository and an EFS storage had been deployed.

Missing points

  • Cluster Autoscaler
  • Horizontal pod autoscaler
  • Properly manage secrets by avoiding to have them in clear text in git
  • Automatically manage the external dns
  • https terminated on the ALB
  • Properly configuring monitoring and alerting
  • Properly configuring AWS backup for efs and rds
  • Configure wordpress to offload the static assets to s3
  • Hardening nginx configuration specifically for wordpress
  • Ship applications logs to cloudwatch


This is a simple deployment of wordpress on EKS with terraform







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